He twitched, Maybe I scared him?

"Does this sound like Rin..." He suddenly mumbled, "Eating all the bananas and sticking them back in the cabinets to terrify me?"

"Did she do that?"

"Yes. Now she is mad at me for accusing her that she did, what a baka. I mean if you're gonna do a crime scene at least don't leave evidence. Especially not orange peels."

"Well...I'm sure she'll apologize!"

Len looked up, staring at me with a raise eyebrow, "It's Rin...she'll never apologize."

I quickly then thought of an idea, "Maybe she needs help?"

"Ha she sure does!"

"What? No I mean needs help apologizing?"

Len then laughed, "Yea good luck!"

I huffed before taking his hand, forcing him to stand up, "Let's see if (Y/N) can help!"

Len chuckled, "Maybe YOU need help."

I stopped in my tracks, I looked back at him with a perplexed expression, "What do you mean?"

Len pulled his hand back away from mine, "I mean I never heard you call a woman so informally~ you never called her (Y/N)-CHAN."

I twiddled my fingers together, "w-well...uh..."

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow looking down on me. Why must he be so tall and I be short?!

"I'm too nervous to say it! I mean I know I'm supposed to be polite but...I'm still confused on Japanese honorifics!" I lied, I knew them well.

"You're lying. Just come on and I'll help you!" Len dragged me helplessly across the room, placing me in front of the (H/C) girl. She turned around, facing us while lightly leaning against the desk. Len pushed me in front of her, "Oliver has something is say."

I stepped back, bumping into Len which made him shove me forward almost making me trip and probably fall on her. My breathe began to get heavy, my heart pounding, my thoughts driving me crazy, my cheeks feeling hot. Why do I always feel this way whenever I'm near or even close to her?!

Len paused, placing a finger on his chin while giving an ominous smirk, he quickly whispered in my ear "If you can't call her (Y/N)-chan than call her senpai~"

I covered my mouth, instead of my cheeks being on fire it was my entire face. I turned around, "I-I can't call her that. I-I don't even h-have the courage to!"

"Oh so you would?!"

"N-no! I-I mean...well..."

Len then patted my shoulder, "Fine. You don't have to call her that. You can use your British names~"

"My British names?"

"Yes! Call her love or dear." He chuckled at my reaction, which was basically a shocked expression, "Call her that you tea lover~"

"Tea lover?!"

"Don't act like I saw you have tea bags and cups in your locker!"

"...Well I get thirsty during school.." I shifted a little, knowing I should be embarrassing. It is true, I do have tea in my locker. Usually the school cafeteria ladies let me use the stove to warm up my water. There's also many things I have in there like-

"I wouldn't even be surprised if I saw a top hat and a monocle in there! And even maybe a picture of the queen." HE KNOWS!

"Don't judge me!...w-we do love our queen.."

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now