Chapter 24

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Unknown's POV~

Finally I'm back, I can see him finally! I grinned, walking into the school. I anxiously looked around for him. I couldn't wait for him to be mine! I walked around the school garden until I saw him but he was with another girl and a boy. Both were smiling with him! Hagsgywhsywj! What the hell! Do they really think they can be with my senpai!

Look at her. Thinking she can hang out with MY senpai! Can't senpai understand that he is mine! ONLY mine! Unless, she is hypnotizing him, forcing him to do her biding! What a bitch! Don't worry senpai, I'll save you! I'll take you away from her! Where you can be MINE, ONLY mine! Where you will stare at no other girl than me! Where you can only go where I let you! Where you'll stay by my sides forever and never leave!

I can't wait for that! I want that so bad! But sadly I can't as I have to get rid of them. Why can't you just hang out with me instead of her? I'm so much better than her! Much prettier! But no you choose her instead of me! Looks like I'll have to do some lectures to show that you can only be with me!

Anyways I wonder what kind of punishment I should do to them? I don't want them to be killed instantly, that would be no fun! I want them to die a painful death, where they can see that no one touches my senpai!

Maybe I should try cutting them into bits, letting them feel the cold blade pierce through their skin, while their blood oozes out. That would be fun! Or should I try slowly crushing them, letting their organs pop out and splatter everywhere! That would be a sight! Or maybe I should lock them into a room and let them starve to death or even freeze! Ahhh so many ways I wanna try, maybe different deaths for each one!

She then smiled brightly, laughing. I wonder what she is laughing about with MY senpai!

I sighed, things still are the same, as I had to go away for a bit for some 'business'. I walked into class, my fists still clenched as I sit down in the back, some people that sit by me gave me curious looks.

"Oh you're back! I missed you!" the brunette cheered.

"Thanks Kokone." I smiled.

"Welcome back." Miki smiled.

I smiled back, just to be friendly. As these people weren't particularly my friends as they were just people I would talk to if I got bored.

My smile soon turned upside down as I see her walking in. Smiling with him! They both took a seat right next to each other. My fists clenched even more as I wanted to throw her out of the building and let glass cut her insides while me and him laugh and be happy together.

"Who are you looking at?" Kokone turned to where I was facing at. "Oh you still like him? Haha just cute!"

"Of course I like him, he's my senpai!"

"Well I see why you like him, but he isn't my type as I have my eyes laid on someone else." she smiled.

'Isn't my type?!' what was she talking about?! Senpai is only MY type, nobody else! I wanted to smack her so hard for displeasing me, I wanted to grab a knife and- no! I can't, just not now. I will kill her later on, but she is nice to me so I'll pass her plus she doesn't seem interested in him.

"Oh who do you like?" Miki asked.

"Yuma-sama!" she blushed, looking away.

Miki laughed while I wanted to just leave these two, while I go to my senpai!

After class~

I needed to go where my people are, where they feel the same way I do! Where they relate to me!

I walked walked downstairs to the place nobody goes too, it was dark and dusty. Spiders everywhere, which often scares people but I like spiders. They are like tiny little demons that can easily kill a person in one bite, especially tarantulas. Big and furry, the most feared one of all, I like using them to scare my victims.

I smirked as one passed by me, before I headed to the very dim bathroom. The lights flickering, walls painted with 'red' paint. I turned into the corner to see my bestest friends.

"Mayu! Kiku! Tei! I missed you so much!" I ran up to them, giving each one a hug.

"Aw I missed you too!" Mayu cheered, putting her axe in her purse.

"Yea yea! We missed you very much! So how did it go?!" Kiku grinned, anxiously waiting for my story.

"Ah well let's see, blood everywhere of course, the beautiful sound of terrified screams, and also my favorite! Body parts was everywhere!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA!" they all laughed, like a maniac.

"I wish I was there to see that!" Tei laughed.

"Yea, it must have been a dream!" Mayu gushed.

"It certainly was! Though I have still loads more people to go after as they have been trying to take senpai away from me!"

"Oh yes, your senpai is quite popular. Which means you might even have to kill the entire school!"

"KYAAAAAA I WANNA JOIN!" Kiku shouted excitedly.

"Ok ok! But still, I just don't wanna slash them open with a sword or kill them instantly. I want them to suffer a looooong painful death! Well the people on my list that is!" I pulled out my notebook, showing them my list of people that are going to die.

"Amazing that's a lot!" Tei cheered.


"Well good luck, my senpai is at home, though he tried to escape but I had to punish him. Cutting off a leg defiantly stopped him. But guess what, it's in my bag! So I have a part of senpai everywhere I go!" Kiku laughed.

"Good job Kiku! I'm so proud of you!" Mayu hugged her.

"Anyway we only have six minutes to get to class, we should get going!" I smiled before heading upstairs with the girls following behind me.

We split up, heading to our class. Until I saw her again! Ugh why is she here? I wanna get rid of here but I wanna hear her scream, the eyes full of fear and tears, the horrified look I get everytime I pull out a new weapon. Ohhh I want to see that so bad!

But it looks like I have to wait.

Hopefully you guys like the yandere squad! Who is senpai? Who is the yandere character?

Now please tell me if I should keep going with this or should I stop. This was also it was an suggestion from the wonderful vocaloidlover1234 sooo yea.

Good luck on your book! It will be great I know it ;)

Also I'd like to thank these guys for supporting me by making me smile with your votes and comment!! And that you guys still read this cringy ass book!! You guys are the best!!!

vocaloidlover1234 (lol I tagged you twice XD)







Also good luck on you guys books!!! I love them!!


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