Chapter 13

359 11 13

Oliver's POV

The next day~

I walked around the hallways going to my first hour class. I looked around all the kids either shoving me out of the way or giving me mean glares. Sigh this was like everyday and I'm getting quite annoyed. It would only stop when I'm with Miku and them but when I'm alone this happens.
I finally saw (Y/N) and Rin hanging by the lockers waiting for the others to arrive.
"(Y/N)-chan!" I yelled quickly getting her attention. I walked over smiling.

"Hey Oliver!"

"Ollie-kun!" Rin cheered.

I chuckled at that nickname. Rin gave it to me when we first met which was 4 years ago. I looked up at the clock that was above, we only have five minutes left.

"OLLIE!" I looked back recognizing that voice.

"Who gave her the right to call you that name! I made that up!" Rin said frustrated.

"Ah Ollie your here I was looking for you!" Ay-ri said.

"Oh you have?"

"Yes I uh have something to tell you" she leaned over looking at Rin and (Y/N). "In private."

I looked back, Rin and (Y/N) rolled their eyes walking away, mumbling something.

"Anyway I was wondering if you could help me study? You know cause the finals are almost up."

"Study? But we have class."

"Don't worry about that! I have a pass that allows us to skip class all the way till lunch!"

"How'd you get ahold of that!"

"Its no problem when your father is rich and famous. All I had to do is tell him I need a pass and he instantly made one!"

"Wow well ok how about we go to the library."


We walked silently not saying any thing, only the other people talking around us. The bell ranged, everyone left leaving me and Ay-ri alone again in silence. The only sound echoing in the hallways was the sound of
Ay-Ri's high heels clicking.

Here we are" only a few people were inside reading "how about we sit in the back its much cooler and people won't be staring."
Ay-ri suggested.

We quickly grabbed some books and paper to get started finding a seat under the air conditioner.

"Ok how about math do you take physics or"

"I uh don't really know."

"You don't know what class your in?"

"No cause I don't really pay attention. Why do you need math, when I'm gonna get rich and famous?"

"Well you need to do math for all sort of things even when your famous and rich."

"Well whatever but anyways are you going to Rin's party?" She said changing the topic.


"Oh well I think you shouldn't because its gonna be boring and babyish. If you want you can come to mine. Its gonna be lit!"


"Yea of course because we'll have music, games, and a pool more mature I guess and guess what I learned how to make special drinks." she said with a wink.

"Special drinks?"

"Yea its real easy it makes your mind out of this world! If you know what I mean. Plus I hit my main boy up and he said he'll bring some special stuff!"

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora