Chapter 28

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Oliver's POV~

Alyss. I thought she was gone, I thought she finally given up on me. But it seems like she hasn't. She still wants me to go with her to the abyss.

It was no lie that I made a deal with her.


"WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE?! WHY CAN'T I GO WITH YOU?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!" I cried over and over, my lungs felt like hell.

My tears kept pouring down nonstop, my vision was completely blurry, my throat and head throbbing violently making it worse.

After a few hours I calmed down, still whimpering, single tears still dropping down. I layed across the floor. Looking up at the empty ceiling.

"Hahahahahahaha!" a female suddenly appeared over me. Her white appearance giving a fluorescence glow, making her look like some goddess or something. She bent over, her long white hair surounded me, blocking everything out around her making me stare only at her.

"Why are you crying?" she tilted her head, giving me a warm smile.

"B-because m-my parents, they're g-g-gone!" I cried, my tears came back.

"Awww don't cry." she reached her down her cold hand, caressing my cheeks, wiping my tears away. "It'll be okay! I promise!"

"It won't b-be okay!"

"Yes it will! You just have to resilience and you'll be good!"

I stared at her, before realizing who is this girl?

"If I may ask, who are you?"

"My name is Alyss! And this is Oz!" she pulled out a rabbit with big black scribbled swirls for it's eyes giving it a horrid appearance.

I flinched and looked away, I didn't want to look at it. "Doesn't he look cute! I do have another one but unfortunately my sister Alice has it but anyways me and you can share this one! He is very loyal and trustworthy!"

"Um no thank you."

"Ok well come on, stop being depressed and get up!" she stepped back pulling my arms with such amazing force. I staggered for a bit trying tie regain my strength.

Alyss then started to twirl and dance with Oz. "Hey hey! I got an idea!" she stopped and turned to me. "How about you come with me! Both of us can dance all night and play! Don't you like dancing and playing?!"

"I o-only danced with my m-mum. I also only p-played with my f-father."

She paused before her violet eyes lightened up. She skipped towards me, grasping my hands with her cold ones. She then spun me around, at first I almost tripped because of the sudden movement but I renamed to regain my position. She giggled still making me sway with her. "Well you can dance with me and play with Cheshire! He's very sweet and playful so I'm sure you'll like him! Plus let's not forget Oz!" She twirled me once more. "We can laugh and have loads of fun also we have very excellent tea parties! You can join in on the fun!"

"I'm but I hardly even know you. I'm not allowed to go with anyone unless I fully know them and trust someone." She slowed down, staring at me.

"Hmm, well let's see. My name is Alyss, this is Oz. Um me and him have a mansion inside the Abyss which is a wonderful place! It's always cozy and warm, I'm sure you'll love it!" She laughed again, continuing swaying with me.

"B-but I don't really wanna leave. W-what if someone looks for me? I don't want them to worry." I didn't want to leave just like this. Noh

"How about this, if you come with me I'll swear I'll take you to your parents!"

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu