Chapter 4

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Oliver POV

She-she kissed my cheek. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was light headed and my face was getting hot. Everybody had a worried look on their faces when they saw me.

I sat down next to Len and put my head down so that he won't see my flushed face.

"Hey Oliver." Len said in a calm voice.

"H-huh." I managed to speak. His icy blue eyes stared into my golden eye.

"Whatever your thinking, just so you know we'll always be here for you." he said in a stern voice.

"U-uh ok." I stuttered.

Than I felt a hand on top of my hat. I looked up and saw Kaito. He grinned saying "Ah I know what your thinking." he gave me a warm smile "don't worry there's gonna be ice cream."

Everyone's face gave him an 'are you serious?' look.


"Baka his probably not even thinking about that!" Len scolded Kaito.

"Ehh he's not? Well I would be silent like him if I was worried where my precious ice cream would be."

"You baka." Len growled lowly.

I laughed at how funny these two were.

"Well I-its nothing you see." I chuckled.

"Well you seemed to be stressed so I was worried." Len smiled while saying that.

"Hehe thanks."

I than heard a tweet from the right side of my ear. I looked and saw James.

I totally forgot him, he was next to me this whole time. I pet his soft feathers to ease me. I never really socialized with other people than my friends. They were always into the trendy stuff.
But when it came to goodbyes all they did was either hug or high five. That was completely different. Was this the new trend? Kissing a cheek is trendy now a days? Huh I can never catch up with these stuff.

We left the studio to go home. Gakupo dropped me off first and went off to drop off the other guys.

I walked in my house with James. Trying to forget what happened back there. I put him in his cage while going to get some bird food. He was probably hungry in the studio, poor thing.

I was too distracted by what was going on. Like the kiss on the cheek, my new songs, friends, and Rin's party. I was surprised that the song was finished without us restarting because of that little party everybody started out side the studio.

It looked like fun I had a slit urge to go join in but I'm not the dancing type. The only dance I know is the chicken dance but I wouldn't do it in a thousands years.

I felt like laughing when Rin pulled up Miku to dance with her. They started jumping and I could hear muffled shouting under my headphones. But luckily I didn't get to distracted.

Than Rin pulled up (Y/N) and started dancing and jumping. I realized how close (Y/N) is with each of my friends.

As I was lost in my thoughts my phone ranged. I took it out and saw that some sent me a text.

From: Unknown Number

Uh hi... Who's this

From: Unknown Number
Ur secret admirer 😉


From: Unknown Number
Jk jk its me Miku duhhh 😂

Oh uh how did u get my number?

From: Unknown Number
From Seeu but anyway r u ready??

For what

From: Unknown Number
Ok be ready in 10 coming

For what tho!

She didn't answer.

Miku always does this sort of thing. I freaked than I tried to hurry and feed James but instead of accepting it he decided to play dumb bird today.

He leaned back landing on the cage. He tweeted acting helpless.

"Ah really James. Not now I have to hurry."

But of course he didn't listen. He started rolling around like fish out of water. Like how is that possible for a bird well somehow James manages to do it.

I would usually laugh and help him but now was not the time. The bird food was in my hand and I didn't want it to spill. I opened his cage a little and poured just a bit inside.

James popped up and looked at his food on the ground. He than put his foot on it and scooted towards the edge and spilled some on the floor.

"James!" I bent down to clean it up.

"James you better eat this. I have to get ready."

He looked at me and tilted his head side ways. I rolled my eyes and leaned my hand against the cage letting him sniff the food.

He bent down and sniffed it but than he put his foot down and lowered my hand down. He looked at me and turned around with his back facing me and his head in the air.

"James what did I say!" he still didn't listen.

I quickly figured out what he wanted. I turned my back grumbling taking out a piece of bread and crumbling it to pieces.
Soon it was just bits of bread in my hand. I went up to James and said "here" he turned his head sniffing the food. And tweeted excited, he soon pecked at it. I sighed in relief. He than had a piece of bread in his beak and somehow threw it at my face.

"Agh James!" as it almost hit my right eye. I wiped off that little piece of bread crumb and glared at James.

He than mimicked a laugh he learned from someone. I huffed in frustration and dumped the bread crumbs in his cage.

"You know sometimes you can be a burden." I pointed at him. And walked away from him.

"You don't have to hate because you can't be us." He mimicked a very certain someone.

"What did you say!" I turned around instantly. Than the doorbell ranged. I opened it up quickly to see who it was.

"Hey Oliver ready...." Meiko looked up and down at me. "Ok lets go."


"Come on you look cute and handsome so lets go." I blushed at that remark cause she said like she was talking to a baby.

"Well let me say my farewell to James."

I turned around to say bye but than he blurted out "Instead of annoying me how about you get OUT!"

Oh my god I was gonna go talk some sense to that little bird. Meiko who started laughing behind me.

"Hahahha are you having a for real fight with that lil thing."

"He's not a thing but he will be a thing if he keeps on talking." I yelled making sure he heard.

"It's not gonna be my fault if he poops in the car." he said back. I turned around in anger.

Meiko stopped me and turned me around facing the car. Sometimes its funny when he copies what you say but sometimes its annoying!

"Haha that made my day but anyway we should get going or else were gonna miss dinner." she chuckled.


"Yea so come on I'm starving."

She closed my door and escorted me to the back seat and opened the door. I looked up and saw
(Y/N). Who I was gonna sit next to.


James could talk I read it in the Wiki but if he actually doesn't well than in this book he does or more likely copies what people say.

By the way 'baka' means idiot just in case you didn't know.

Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now