Chapter 38

296 13 141

(I'm so sorry for not updating ;-;)

3rd POV~

The woman laughed hysterically, "I love hearing your cries! You really think that you'll be saved? Why would somebody save the likes of you? You're a worthless piece of trash. You're nothing, you've never accomplished anything! All you've done so far is just sit there and look pretty!" She growled, raising the knife higher, Rin could feel the knife slowly piercing through her skin.

Rin glared at her, before moving her leg slowly, trying to get it at a certain angle, "You know you're wrong. I HAVE done something with my life! That's becoming a Vocaloid! That's the most grateful thing I ever accomplished!  Now please get that knife away from me~" Rin singed mockingly.

The girl eyed her suspiciously, "Why would I do that? First off you'll need to die or else you're gonna tell your little friends who I am. Which I can not allow that. Second, once you're gone. Senpai will be mine. Simple."

"Senpai this! Senpai that! Ugh! All you talk about is him!" Rin groaned annoyed, "Who even is the guy?! Do you really think he'll accept you for what you have done? If I was senpai I would have just slapped the person and ran! But for you, I think he'll need to give you weight control pills as you need to loose some major weight! You're gonna make my leg into a pancake!" Rin yelled before kicking the woman in the face, making her clasp to the floor, holding her nose in pain.

Rin hurriedly got up, holding onto a desk for support. She glanced back at the darkness, she could detect where the Killer was with her groans. Rin hurriedly ran in any direction, trying to find the door, since it was dark Rin was bound to hit a few desks with her sides. Rin yelped in pain, lighting suddenly strucked again. Lightening up the room, Rin gasped seeing the door being revealed. Rin looked back quickly seeing the Killer slowly rise up, Rin ran full speed. She slammed herself into the door, breaking the door open. That will definitely leave some bruises.

The Killer growled in anger, forgetting all about pain that was throbbing harshly onto her nose. She began to trail the blonde. She saw Rin exit out the door. She cursed under her breathe, she ran to the out to the hallways. She desperately look around, she was gone. She sighed, "Rin-chan! Why are you running? Your lowering your stamina more and more. Soon you'll run out, giving me the opportunity to get you. So if you want the easy way, just come here~"

Rin bit her lip, as she cowered under another teachers desk in another classroom. Contemplating on where to hide next if she finds her, this was the only spot she could think of. Why is she doing this to me?! Why does she want to kill me?! All for her 'senpai'?! Who is it anyways? "Once you're gone. Senpai will be mine." ...who is she talking about? Is it... Len? Is Len her senpai? H-how?! I mean not to be rude but Len is crap!

Rin was lost in thoughts, the Killer entering the room without making a sound. Rin currently had some strong perfume on meaning you could smell it half a mile away. "You're so mean Rin-chan. Hiding from me tch so rude." Rin bite her lip more, causing blood to slowly ooze out.

The Killer walked over to the desk, dragging the knife, "Are you seriously under that desk? Sweetie, there's a  bunch of hiding spots all around. You're obliviously asking to be killed."

She kicked the desk violently, Rin yelped as it scared her. She chuckled at Rin's pathetic actions. Rin quickly crawled out, desperately trying to hurry and get out. Unfortunately, the Killer had a very good aim. She threw her knife.


Fukase wiped his hand on a napkin, his hand filled with dust, "Ok, so if we need to live here. The cafeteria is our sanctuary ok?"

Teto nodded in agreement, "Yep! We don't need to leave at all! Cause we have food!"

Fukase nodded in agreement, he tied a rope around the food closet, "If they want food, they'll have to get through us! Then this impossible-to-untie- rope!"

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