Chapter 27

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Oliver's POV~

"Yay she's here!" I cheered, now I can got off of the six foot male.

"I finally can get this burden off of me!" he cheered.

"Hey!" I yelled at him.

"Oh hello Gakupo. Pleasure to see you."

"Indeed." he smiled.

"Luka! Can you get me down?!" I cried out.

"Oh my, why are you up there anyways?"

"Well Gakupo wouldn't give me any advice, so this was my only choice."

"I see, well next time at least ask Gakupo nicely next time ok?"

"Ok." I sighed before she went around Gakupo, wrapping her arms around my waist and picking me up into the air, lightly placing me on to the concrete.

"Anyways come on Oliver, I have Teto waiting in the car."

"Alright bye Gakupo."

"Hold on!" he yelled.

"Hmm." I hummed in response. He placed his hands into my picket placing something inside, as my pockets felt more heavier than before.

"Go wild in there!" he winked.

I tilted my head in confusion, I put key hand inside it, feeling multiple candies in my grasp.

I gasped in shock, before immediately unwrapping a strawberry lollipop and placing into my mouth, skipping towards the car.

"Where did you get that candy?" Luka questioned.

I shrugged and smirked.

"Don't tell me you got it off the floor."

"No! I knuw bettar den dat!" I mumbled, the candy making my words unclear.

"Whatever you say." Luka sighed before escorting me to her car.

She of course puts me in the back seat, she really thinks I'm a child.

"Hi Oliver!"

"Hey Teto. What are you doing here?"

"Well Luka said she needed help with her student president work which is classified so I can't tell you."

"Ok, well at least I won't be lonely."

"You could always me if you need someone to hang with!"

"No no, I'm fine."


Time skip~

We arrived to my house, I didn't like going here as it's always cold and empty but I can't complain as it's my home.


"Hm." I hummed.

"What's that on your chin?"

"Um.." I looked down, trying my best to cover it until a pair of warm hands cupped my cheeks, making me stare up at the ceiling. "It's n-nothing! Luka!" I cried out frantically.

"Who did this to you?"


"Tell me." Luka said in a stern voice.

"R-Rika." I whispered.

"I see, well next time tell me if she does this sort of thing again."

Time skip~ (I'm not lazy or anything (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ)

"Luka." I called out to her, she was finishing up with her work with Teto.

"Hm?" she looked up at me.

"Can you tell me about love?"



"What do you need to learn about it?" she took off her glasses.

"I want to know if that's what I'm feeling."

"Ok, well hm how do I put it into words? Love is a feeling, that makes people happy and lovestrucked. People sometimes even go crazy for it, thinking that they need it, but love can't be forced. It's supposed to make you feel free and be you who are with that person. To be happy, not where you'll change for that person. Where that person will love you for who you are and what you are. Like where you think about them all the time, where you want to be with then all the time. People take love for granted, doing the opposite. They think they can just taunt the person thinking that it's true love to where they'll do anything for that persons will but to be only broken hearted at the end. So love can be a difficult sitituation but it is the most wonderful feeling."

My mouth struck open, I didn't know what to say. "I want that." I mumbled.

"Everyone does." she smiled. "Well we better get going, it's getting quite late."

"O-ok. Bye Luka, bye Teto!"

They waved goodbye leaving me all alone.

I sighed before going straight to my bed.
Sorry if this seems rushed and terrible as I'm trying to hurry because I can't wait for you guys to read this thing I have planned!
Lol but yea, sorry. Sorry for making our precious cinnamon roll have a nightmare! I know I'm evil


Also I'm not quite partially sure if I will be updating for awhile as something came up and school! Ugh I really hate that, sorry forgive me!!!!


Ok so you may have noticed that I have deleted Oliver's dream, it's because I did not like how it turned out so in the next chapter it shall be different and give a more creepy vibe.

Sorry for making our precious cinnamon roll suffer!!!! Forgive me!!


Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя