So sorry ;-;

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I'm so so so so sorry for not updating in a month! A month! That's the longest I haven't update this book. I haven't had any ideas lately on what to write...To be honest...I didn't have any plans for this book I just ended up writing it, having no plot planned out whatsoever. So far before I was on a schedule with updating every three days since school is being troublesome I haven't been well organized. So if I was on track, this book wouldve ended- I do have plans on the ending and such. Though I'm stuck on what to do with Alyss 😅

I'm not too sure how we'll get rid of her...but I'll try to think of something. Anyways I wanted to say this, after this book ends...I'm not gonna be like, "Bye! That's all folks no more writing!" So I either might create another Oliver x Reader with a different plot or use another vocaloid.

You can read this or not

So my idea for the new Oliver x Reader OR whoever the vocaloid you choose me to write (Which I don't mind at all~). The plot will be based off a fairy tale, like "Little Red Riding Hood," "Jack and Jill," "Cinderella," "Sleeping Beauty," now it will seem hard but actually I'm planning to combine these fairy tales into one...but will change it up...what if 'Little Red' fell in love with the bad wolf ;) then they go on an adventure which is where the fairy tales come to place....I can't explain since I suck so hopefully you get the idea. (Don't worry I'll try not making it so long UNLIKE this one)

So that's my idea on my upcoming story, I'm still in planning so it'll be awhile maybe in a few months I'll be ready anyways I'll try to finish this book as quick as I can bug not try rushing it too much. It's just it's everywhere though I do appreciate all of your comments and votes they do make my day. Each one of them!

Also I never knew my book would reach 4K...that's...that surprises me so much. I never knew it would get this so many reads! (Well probably because of how much chapters I have) thank you so so much! I deeply appreciate it, it may not be the best book but I honestly have no words to thank you...thank you for not giving up on this book and stop've kept on reading which surprises shows that this book still has a you really! 💞

Now lemme shut up since I'm probably being annoying right now XD anyways thank you again and don't worry...I'll make the ending worth it and the upcoming book.

It's YOUR choice on what you want me to can be Oliver or any other vocaloid!

It can be these guys~







Or any other suggestions!

I won't mind on any~ it's my special thanks to you for reading this ^^


Oliver (Vocaloid) x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora