Chapter 40

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Oliver POV~

I walked in the classroom full of chaotic people that I call my friends. Len arguing with Rin something about bananas I assume. Kaito in the corner of the room crying while shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. Meiko and Haku in the corner drinking 'water.' Gumi was writing something in a notebook. Miku who was looking at her notebook either full of pictures of me and (Y/N) which was creepy...or it could be her ideas. Which is scary. SeeU and Luka were out doing presidential business which I don't understand nor will I ever. Pico and Gakupo playing cards. Fukase sleeping in the corner of the room.

I walk over in worry, seeing the sobbing man stuffing his mouth with ice cream worries me. I crouch down, leaning against a desk while watching him carefully pour his woes onto his bucket of heaven, "A-are you ok Kaito?"

"S-she made it again..."

"Watch what?"

"B-Boku no Pico..."

"WHO SAID MY NAME?!" Piko yelled in the back, looking around with cards in his hand.

"N-NOT YOU IDIOT!" Kaito yelled, while sniffing and wiping tears, "PICO!"

Piko looked at Kaito with a perplexed face, "Pico? Who is Pico? That sounds exactly my name! Pico. Piko. Too confu-...." Piko suddenly realized something as he sat there flushed, "A-are you talking about-?"

Kaito nodded knowing what he was thinking, "Yes."

Piko stared for a second before hiding his face into his cards, "G-goldfish." Gakupo eyed him for a second before grabbing a card from the card deck that sat on the desk in the middle of them.

I watched the two have silent arguments using only facial expressions. If I must say, it was the weirdest. Their faces turned to an 'Are you serious?' look, to a 'Bloody hell?' to, shaking their heads in disbelief then soon both started to cry. Weird.

"What's Boku no Pico?" I asked but soon regretted as the blue haired man choked on a spoonful of ice cream, "W-well it's a s-show, that's it."

"Is it scary?"

"...well I mean yea the stuff they do is scary..."

"Then...I wanna watch it with you!"


I flinched from the sudden raise of his voice, "You're the same age as me! Why can't I?!"

Kaito bit his lip for a second, "'re innocent!"


"Yea! I mean half of the stuff will corrupt you!" Kaito then smiled before grabbing another spoon stuffing his appointment.

"Is it that bad?"


"But I wanna watch it with you so you don't be scared no more! Then I can ease you!" I clenched my fists, I felt determined for some reason.

"Aww that's so sweet..." Kaito realized what escaped from his lips before shaking his head, "No no no! It's not something you would like anyways!"

"Fine..." I sighed in defeat, I mean it can't be that bad right?

Seems like Kaito was fine, still crying for no reason but I suppose it can't be helped? I stood up, staring at the rest of the group. One thing I noticed was a blonde haired teen was having his head on desk. I walked over hearing faint mumbles from him. I kneeled down by the desk by him. Hearing his sighs from inside his arms which where wrapped around his head, "Are you ok Len?"

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