Flight || JHS ||

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Your POV

"Mom I’m going to meet Hoseok. I’ll be back by 8” I gave mom a peck on her cheek ready to head out the house. It was 6 in the evening so it was quite dark

“About that, Y/N can we talk first?” mom said there was a hint of nervousness in her voice

Mom sat down on the couch of our living room, followed by me. She held both of my hands, looking down and I could hear her sob. My eyes widen upon hearing her so suddenly crying

“Mom what’s wrong?” I squeeze her hand

“How can I break this without hurting you" Mom spoke after taking a deep breath. This was making me scared. What was the news that made her cry

“Y/N, do you remember how you dreamt of going to France?” Mom asked and I nodded. I was a bit confused why she was acting like this

“Your dad and I decided to go there with you.” Mom said

“Mom that’s great news. Why are you crying?” My brows knotted in confusion

“For good, Y/N” with those words, I felt everything collapsed, it felt like my world was draining it’s life and color. My life suddenly became so dull.

How about Hoseok? I can’t just leave him. Even though she said she didn't want to hurt me by those words, I still felt a gigantic sword stabbing me

“M-mom.... Hoseok, what about Hoseok?” My voice sounded soft and fragile “I can’t leave him, mom!” I broke down, gripping my hair as my tears fell down

“I’m sorry” mom said— more like whispered, with her voice cracking. I stood up running outside to the park, where Hoseok and I are supposed to meet tonight

I saw him standing beside the tree looking above to see the stars. I rushed to him and  hugged him tight. I buried my head in his chest and cried even more. He smelled like the sweet fresh cooling breeze, it was the scent that I love. I felt his right hand playing with my hair while his left was on my back hugging me tight

“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked kissing my head. I took a step back and looked in his eyes, these are the eyes that I always get lost in. He cupped my face and caressed my cheeks with his thumb and wiped my tears

“Tell me what’s wrong?” I hesitated to tell him but he'll just hurt more if I go without saying goodbye

“I’m moving to France....for good” I said with my eyes still releasing endless tears

Hoseok stiffen and it's clearly seen that his eyes were getting glossy until a tear fell, followed by more. I flinched when he softly forced a laugh

“Your joking ri-right? Haha Good one Y/N, I totally fell for it. Next joke, please”

“I wish I was H-Hoseok but I’m sorry I wa-wasn’t”


Today was the day we fly to France. It’s been a week since I told Hoseok we’re going. After I told him he ran away crying. I tried to run after him but he disappeared from my sight. He didn’t call or even text me back the whole week. I was disappointed but I deserve this

“Y/N we need to board the plane now” Dad said, interrupting my thoughts

I sat at my seat wondering if ever we could go back here in Korea but dad said we can’t unless I have my own job already, and that was the answer to my question; A big NO. If I were to say that Hoseok is mine again, the possibility would be negative one percent. I could have fought for our live but I was a coward and I think that's why I didn't deserve Hoseok. He's worth more that's why fate is pulling us apart

I’ll miss my Hobi so much. I’ll miss his calming scent, melodic voice, kind personality and his bright smile

I am sure when the time comes that I’ll be able to come back here, Hoseok has finally moved on so it’s best for me to start moving on now and forget about the past

It is time to accept that we were not destined

And it’s time to finally just say goodbye

A/N: I still need to make an angst for Namjoonie 😁  if you have ideas to share I would be very grateful

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