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"Crystal please tell me what's wrong." Sally asked me again and I finally managed to talk to her. "Sally, while I was walking to the bakery, a car was following me. At first I thought maybe that was not the case but when I fastened my pace, the person sitting in the car also increased the car's speed in order to gain up to me" I said and Sally was looking at me with wide eyes and fear was evident on her face. "what happened then?" she asked me." then I just ran, and the person also increased the car speed. As soon as the bakery came into my view I ran as fast as I could. I stumbled inside and the car passed the cafe just after few seconds after that. They had almost gotten me". I said and Sally was horrified. "Thank god you ran at the correct time. We never know what that person had in mind. Did you see who it was?" she asked me "no the windows were tinted black." I said.

I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that there were only a few minutes left till everyone came. "I think I should start working. We are opening in a few minutes" I said as I got up to go to the counter. "Crys are you sure you wanna work. You can have a day off if you want" she said sounding concerned. "no Sally I'll be fine. I can't afford to leave work." I said as I got up and started my work.

The entire time I couldn't get that incident out of my mind. I was still shaken. I sighed and tried to concentrate on my work. The evening went by and soon the time came to close the bakery. All of my colleagues had left and Sally and I were the only people left. I was  hesitant to go outside, especially because it was dark now. "Do you want me to drive you home?" Sally asked me. I didn't know what to say because I didn't want to take the risk of going home alone but I also didn't want to bother her as well since she would be late herself if she gave me a ride. "No it's alright. I'll manage. I don't want you to be late because of me" I replied to her. "Oh come on that wouldn't be a problem at all. I can drive back to my house without any problem. Now come on you're getting late." she said as she got out of the bakery to unlock her car. I sighed, maybe this is the best way.

"Come on Crys don't think so much" she said looking back at me when she saw that I wasn't moving. I outside to her car and got in. She started driving to Mrs. S's house. She already knew what happened at my house so she didn't question me. "Crys I don't know who is doing this to you and your mother but what I know is that the intentions of this person aren't right and I have a feeling that..." she paused midway. "what is it Sally" I asked "I think is person is after you." she said. This fact didn't surprise me because I had the same feeling. All the following around, the constant feeling of being watched, all these things pointed to this fact. I noticed that the car had stopped and that we were at Mrs S's house. I got out of the passenger seat and walked to Sally's side. "Thankyou so much Sally" I said smiling thankfully. "No problem. Just be safe. I'll see you tomorrow" she said smiling and then she drove away.

I sighed. I was really tired after what happened today and I can't wait to just snuggle up in bed. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Mrs. S opened the door. "Welcome dear" she greeted me as I got inside. "thanks" I greeted her back. "Your mom just called in and she told me that she would be working late today" Mrs. S said and I nodded. I was used to her working late. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and my mom came in. "mom I thought you were working late tonight?" I asked her confused. "Yeah I was but my boss allowed me to go home early today...and guess what?" she spoke excitedly. "what?" I asked her. Curiosity building inside of me. I hadn't seen her so happy in a very long time. She hasn't been much happy or smiled a lot after...after that incident.  I shook my head trying not to remember about that incident. "come on tell me mom" I asked impatiently. "My company gave me promotion!!" she said and I had no words to say how happy I was. She had been trying so hard for this promotion for so many years and finally her hard work paid off. I hugged her tightly and she returned it back with equal force.

"You did it mom!!" I cheered and she was even more happy to see me happy. Finally something good happened!. We celebrated for a while and then we all had dinner. Tomorrow we could go back to our house but we still had to rearrange it a little bit. I sighed but decided to leave it and get ready for bed. I got into the bed and closed my eyes. But as soon as my eyes closed I saw the same car. My eyes shot open and my heartbeat started rising. I can't tell mom about this. She had got some time to relax from all this drama and I couldn't worry her again.

I shifted to my side trying to get some sleep. But I just couldn't sleep. After a long struggle I finally started falling into a slumber but it was disturbed by my alarm going off, telling me I had school.


Me and my mom got ready and headed outside of Mrs S's house with our luggage. We thanked her for helping us. We reached our house. My mom opened the door. We both were greeted by a empty living room and a kitchen. I looked around the house and every inch was empty except only for a few furniture. I went upto my room to check. As soon as I opened the door I was surprised. My room was rather clean and filled as compared to the house. Not many of my furniture was destroyed only a few like table, stools. Nothing of major importance. Then my eyes fell on my closet. I opened it and saw that my clothes were shuffled. I got them out and counted them. What the hell!?. I noticed that few a of my tops and leggings were missing. Why would a thief or whoever it was take a girl's clothes. "Crys the furniture has arrived" My mother called me from downstairs. I left everything there. I rushed downstairs and saw the new furniture was being brought in. My mom and I managed to put the stuff together in it's place by the end of the day. Both of us were tired as hell by the night.

We ate diner while having small talk. I'm glad I could spend some time with her after all of this. We had already arranged our clothes in our rooms and so we directly went to sleep. It felt really good laying in my bed. I instantly felt a homely feeling and was comfortable in an instant. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


My sweet slumber was disturbed by my phone going off out of the blue. I looked and saw that I had a message from Sarah

"hey the school has been cancelled for today. We have planned to go to the mall. Be ready. We'll be at yours in half an hour"

I sighed. It looked like I didn't have a choice. I wanted to rest today but spending time with my besties is something which I am ever ready for. I got up and started prepping for the day.

Hey guys! So this was the longest chapter I had written in this book. I hope you all like it and keep reading!
Have a great day!

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