🧔🏻‍♂️One Man And A Funeral⚰️🥀😢

Start from the beginning

Opie's eyes widen and he chuckles when he sees Giaconda walking up to Donna's grave at Jax's side with a smile "be strong and stay put!

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Opie's eyes widen and he chuckles when he sees Giaconda walking up to Donna's grave at Jax's side with a smile "be strong and stay put!.... for Donna and Ope's sake.... he needs you now more than ever!"  she whispers to Jax he nods at her squeezing her shoulder then gives her a hug and they walk over and put a mixed colored blue and white carnation on Donna's casket Conda smiles softly at Opie's kids who smile back at her then she and Jax go their separate ways she pats the Priest on the shoulder and says softly "Father"  the Priest nods at her as she walks behind him and stands at his side away from the Sons of Anarchy though still in Happy's line of sight as Jax goes to stand by Tara.... Happy's eyes land on her from where he stands behind Piney and his eyes widen as well at the sight of her beauty his heart beats rapidly as it feels like it's being squeezed with her so far away from him there was a sadness in his eyes since she isn't by his side where she belonged.... after the funeral was over Giaconda walks over to Opie and gives him a hug then says as she takes a step back and looks into his sad eyes "sorry Ope!.... the only black I own just happens to be leather and looking around I think that's been a little over done don't you!?!"  Opie laughs then replies with a smile "yeah!.... just a bit!.... you look great don't worry!.... I actually think Donna would be happy with your choice"  she laughs Happy watches them chat with a smile and he chuckles as he watched her as she hung out with Opie's kids cheering them up just a bit.... Happy finally "gains the courage" to walk over to her and places his hand on the side of her hip she looks up at him with a smile "finally decided to come see me huh!?!"  she teases he looks down at her "I thought....!"  he stammers "Hap!.... I wasn't about to squeeze my way to your side in the mist of horny bikers cladded in leather while in a light flowing dress.... especially with you standing so close to Clay it's bad enough....!"  she doesn't get to finish her sentence as his lips press hungrily up against hers and she moans softly Opie smiles at them and walks away his heart hurting as he misses his wife "you know.... they're gonna think....!"  she starts "I don't care what they think!"  Happy replies ".... they're gonna think that because I wasn't at YOUR side that we're having "troubles".... a few weeks before the wedding too.... and with the way those two like being in control....!"  she says looking over at Clay and Gemma she sighs Happy growls lowly with a hint of darkness in his tone "I won't let that happen!"  she replies "yeah because you've done a bang up job of NOT doing what they EXPECT of you so far!!"  she sighs heavily then says "I don't want to continue this conversation!.... this is suppose to be a day to celebrate the life of someone I've never met!.... this is not how you honor someones memory.... by fighting over stupid shit!!"  Happy kisses her and she answers the kiss with a deep sorrowful sensual passion....

A few nights later Happy and Giaconda show up for another party at T&M this time it was to welcome Bobby home she stood under his (Happy) arm while he chatted with his fellow Crows stealing a kiss or two from her as he did so making sure that thos...

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A few nights later Happy and Giaconda show up for another party at T&M this time it was to welcome Bobby home she stood under his (Happy) arm while he chatted with his fellow Crows stealing a kiss or two from her as he did so making sure that those around them see that they were still together, soon to be husband and wife that there was NOTHING that could tear them apart she walked with Happy as he followed Clay over to a silver car has drove up and a man in a suit walks out with an entourage she now stands inbetween him and Juice who she hugs around the waist as they walk and he (Juice) looks at her and smiles "who are you?"  Clay asks the grey haired man in a suit "we're just dropping by to give you a little friendly advice"  a man in a white dress shirt that came with the man in the suit says as he hands Clay a business card Happy felt Giaconda shiver and not in a "good" way as the man in white as well as the man in the suit search her up and down with their eyes and he hugs her tighter to his side "and what advice would that be?"  Clay asks "we feel it would be best for all concerned if you stopped dealing arms to the One Niners and the Mayans"  the man in the suit replies Happy, Juice, Half Sack, Chibs and Tigg who also followed Clay over to the man and his cronies laugh Giaconda smiles softly at the sound of their laughter she looks at Happy who lowers his head covering it with his free hand as he laughs and shakes her head at him Juice had turned his head to face her with his wide grin spread across his face "I don't even know what you're talking about we're just mechanics and Harley lovers"  Clay tells him "that's one of Darby's guys back there"  Tigg says "Mr. Darby is one of our supporters"  the man that the card says is named Ethan Zobelle replies "hmm expensive car hell of a suit all your teeth must be at the top of the Aryan food chain, huh?"  Clay says as he circles the man in white as well as Zobelle Happy gives Zobelle and the man in the white dress shirt his deadliest death stare as though he was prepare to make Zobelle lose all his "perfect" teeth as he stood there staring at his woman "what you do for a living is between you and your maker I'm not here to adjust your moral compass this is just a reality check you're a criminal and you're done selling guns to color"  Zobelle says Tigg pulls out his gun and they all hear it cock "are you gonna shoot me, Mr. Trager? with all these witnesses?"  Zobelle asks "I'm sure no one would miss you!.... besides there are more here on our side than there are in yours!.... and you know what they say about strength in numbers Mr...."  Giaconda says then she looks down at the card in Clay's hand "....Zobelle!.... hell if he don't.... I will!"  she finishes Zobelle looks at her with a cocky smile "look, I don't know what Darby told you and I don't know what your angle is but.... let me be real clear nobody threatens SAMCRO and nobody tells us what we can and can't do black, brown or white so why don't you just climb back into your little German clown car and drive back to Nazi town because the next time you piss all over my shoes he will kill ya and I'm betting that she'll help and I don't give a shit how many witnesses there are!"  Clay threatens "my shop opens in a few weeks until then.... enjoy"  Zobelle says as he places the box of cigars he held in his hands at Clay's feet "oh look he knows his place!.... you're not gonna kiss his boots are you!?!.... he never cleans them!.... hell I wouldn't even go near the rings with my lips! and I bet your terrible at giving head so I wouldn't do that either no matter how much you THINK he'd enjoy it!!"  Giaconda says with a soft sarcastic bite as Zobelle stands up and chuckles softly "and if I were you I'd think about findin yourself a new gal bro!"  the man in the white dress shirt tells Happy who looked like he was ready to murder him right then and there but he stops when he feels Giaconda's calming touch on his hand and hears her whisper softly "no Hap!.... not here!.... not tonight!"  he looks at her and she brings her lips close to his his hand automatically cups her cheek as he answers her kiss as Zobelle and his goons leave still watching the two of them out of the corner of their eyes "besides.... I think they're just jealous!"  she teases in a low voice "definitely!"  Juice replies she chuckles softly and Happy smiles "I would have that tested if I were you Tig.... you know for bugs, poison and stuff!.... I wouldn't trust those fools any further then Happy can throw them!"  she says Tig laughs softly as Happy and Giaconda walk away from Clay and walk to follow the car as it backs up to make sure that they leave with his free hand Happy holds a hand gun his other stays wrapped around her waist

 I wouldn't trust those fools any further then Happy can throw them!"  she says Tig laughs softly as Happy and Giaconda walk away from Clay and walk to follow the car as it backs up to make sure that they leave with his free hand Happy holds a han...

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