Last Words? (Chapter 28)

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A/N: Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. I just want to say thank you for all the support you've given me! It's really helping me through the exam season (along with twitter 😂) 11 exams done, 12 to go!! Let's get onto the chapter. Enjoy!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
How could I have been so foolish? I didn't even look back to check if he was unconscious and here I was, on my back, bleeding out.

The ringing sensation in my ears never seemed to faulted as I staggered to catch my breath. I could feel my wolf's life force slowly begin to slip through the tiny grip of our bond.

If she dies, I die along with her.

As the pain surged within me, I noticed the blurry outline of Lauren's image appear in my view. By the time I saw her, everything within me went numb. It was as if the pain had almost cease to exist.

I noticed how Lauren's mouth was moving yet I couldn't hear a sound come out of it. Her eyes were glossy as her hands roamed my stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. However, my blood just kept seeping through her fingertips.

Muffled noise started to fill my ears after a while of nothing. It was a dull drone of Lauren's pleads as I saw how tears trickled down her cheeks.

"(Y/N), stay with me. You're gonna be fine." Oh, how broken she sounded. It cause my wolf to whimper in her emotional pain.

"(Y/N)...please. I can't loose you. Not like this." Her voice cracked at her vulnerability. I couldn't help but lift my arm, weak as I was, and gently placed my hand upon her cheek. My thumb rubbed her cheek softly as I watched her eyes closed, savouring the touch I gave her.

"I n-need you to be strong for me princesa..." Lauren took the name as a shock. She'd never heard me call her by her title. "You've given me the best life...I-I could ever have..." My breath was beginning to get slightly heavier. Lauren's tears seemed to only accelerate fast down her cheeks, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief.

"Don't say that..." She sobbed as she clutched onto my shirt tightly. "You'll survive this...I know it." The determination that I saw in her eyes was something to admire and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Ambitious as you are b-but...I think the end of the line for me..." I chuckled lightly before coughing up blood slightly, it spilling down my jaw. "My wolf is dying...t-that means I will die as well..." Lauren's lower lip trembled as more tears began to flow. The sight truly broke my heart.

"She is right Lauren...she hasn't got long left." My brother seemed to have approached the two of us, despite the chaos that surrounded us, his eyes also watery with the sorrow he was filled with. However, there was also a slight glimmer of hope. "But, there is a way you can help her..."

By this point, everything was a blur. I knew I was beginning to fade in and out of consciousness. It was until I saw Lauren's face extremely close to my face, her fangs elongated before saying the words, "Please don't hate me after this...".

And with that, everything went black.

Cold. That was the first thing I felt when I realised I was awake. I had never been so cold before that I thought I would never be able to experience it.

'What the hell happened?' My wolf croaked in my head. It was like being on the worst hangover of my life.

'You're telling me...' I retaliated causing my wolf to huff. Chuckling lightly, I sat up from the satin sheets I had been placed in. I sniffed deeply, trying to catch a scent. A very familiar scent indeed.

Lauren. Looking around the decor, I realised that this must have been her room.

Sitting up in the bed, I noticed how the bathroom light was flooding the bedroom with minimal light due to the small crack underneath the door. The sound of running water filled my ears causing me to smirk slightly.

Getting up from the bed, I began making my way to the bathroom before slowly opening the door, letting the steam roll out of the room and into the bedroom. The shape of Lauren's nude body was what my eyes focused on causing me to smile slightly.

Beginning to strip my own clothes, I opened the shower door before closing it. Somehow, Lauren hadn't noticed I had snuck in behind her. She must have been lost within that world of hers.

Gently, I began wrapping my arms around her waist, letting my hands rest on her stomach. She jumped at first but soon relaxed after realising it was me. She even leaned back into me causing me to smile in joy.

"Hey. How'd you feel?" She asked softly while I let my head bury itself deep into the crook of her neck. Breathing in her delicious scent, I had a weird urge to bite but I shook it off due to the mate bond and probably due to my wolf wanting to assure that Lauren knew she was mine.

"Good. Better than what I had been. But now I'm here, I'm perfect." I husked deeply into Lauren's ear, causing a delicious shiver to go down her spine. Chuckling lightly, Lauren turned around, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You sure? I mean do you feel any different." This time, Lauren was a lot more serious than before. I couldn't help but feel slightly nervous.

"Yes Lauren. I'm fine. Why? Shouldn't I be?" At this Lauren sighed heavily.

"(Y/N), do you remember anything after you were stabbed?"

"Well, apart from dying, no. Why? Should I?"

However, nothing could stop the shock I was about to feel when Lauren said,

"(Y/N). I turned you. To keep you alive."

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