Execution Day (Chapter 26)

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A/N: Hey guys! Hope you guys are having a great weekend. Just in case of the near future I don't update, it's because my exams start on Monday but I will try my best!! Anyway! Let's get straight into the chapter. Enjoy!

Lauren's P.O.V
Today was the day. Gruelling as it was to pull myself out of bed, today was the day my mate died. Even just thinking about it caused a swirl of pain within me.

Sighing heavily, I trailed behind my father's heavy footsteps as we approached the outside of the castle where the public execution was to be held.

With every fibre of my being, I willed my Vampire half of me to not come to the surface as I thought about the death of my mate. Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply before continuing making my way outside.

Once I was outside, I noticed there was thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people spectating the stage. They were awaiting for the public execution. There was mumbling and chatter; occasionally a slur could be heard about (Y/N), making me sick to the stomach.

There was seating that faced towards a wooden block where my love's execution would take place. I tried to keep the promise I made to (Y/N) and stay strong but the more I picture the death of my mate caused tears to well up in my eyes.

Shaking the thought off, I sat down next to my father with my head held high.

"I see that you're not as affected as I thought you would be Lauren." I looked towards my father as he looked upon the masses of people. "It's good that you've gotten over that mutt." The venom he held in his tone caused me to wince slightly.

Looking away from the man I called my father, I looked upon the wooden block that soon surly would have my mate's blood on it.

"You have no idea..." I mumbled under my breath as a small tear trickled it's way down my cheek.

Wiping away the tear that fell from my eye, I noticed my father get up from his chair causing the crowd to fall silent. If a pin dropped, it would of been heard.

My father looked towards the side and I couldn't help but turn my head towards the direction and I wish I hadn't.

(Y/N) was being dragged by two burly men towards the wooden block so forcefully. Even the grip they had held venom. She looked so malnourished like she hadn't eaten for days, which was probably true.

There was bruises coating her once sun kissed skin and blood running down her nose. This had to be Brad's doing. It had to be.

Her glossy eyes raked there way over to me where there was so much love in them. The vampire inside me melted yet screamed as she noticed how much pain our mate had endured.

However, I knew I couldn't get involved.

"Today! We witness the execution of the last Werewolf." I couldn't help but inwardly snort at the remark. How little my dear father knew.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) is here by charged with the crime of mass murder of the human race." There was a roar of anger that spewed amongst the crowd. "We finish the long war!" The anger soon changed to cheering when they noticed the two burly men placed (Y/N) onto the block, pinning her down as her hands were locked into place by silver chains on the wooden floor boards.

My mouth suddenly lost all of its saliva once I saw the executioner with an axe in their hand approach my mate. I noticed how (Y/N) squirmed to set herself free, pulling against the chains frantically as she heard the footsteps approach her along with death closely following behind.

It was a strange sensation that filled my veins. Adrenaline was seeming to jump start my heart and I swore for a brief moment when the executioner stood behind (Y/N),

My heart struck a beat for once in my life.

"Any last words mutt..." The gruff voice seemed to echo through out the forest. (Y/N) looked towards me, tears in her eyes as she soaked ever inch of me into her memory. The look made my throat dry.

"I love you Lauren...I always will. You be strong for me. Live your life and...I'll see you on the other side." With that said, (Y/N) closed her eyes as a tear fell down her cheek. She looked like she had accepted her fate.

But I hadn't.

When the axe was being raised, something in my being overcame me. I jumped up from my seat and ran towards the executioner.

"Stop!" There was noticeable gasps that erupted from the crowd and my father was beyond furious. He was livid.

"Lauren, get back here!"

"No! You of all people should know what it's like to loose someone you love. You both should know as it's happen twice!" What I said must of really hurt father and my mother.

Once the war broke out, Taylor and Chris were one of the many casualties to be counted on that day.

"You don't know what you're talking about Lauren." My father stood from his chair and began making his way over to me.

"I do. I love her! And there is nothing that you can do to change that fact." My fangs had elongated at this point, if you pardon the pun.

"You are being ridiculous Lauren." My father and I were now face to face but that was long lasted once there was screaming heard from the crowd.

Growls were erupting from the crowd and I couldn't help but smile at the sight that was beginning to unfold in front of me.

"Guards! Kill them all!" My father screamed as he witnessed practically the whole pack of wolves emerge from the shadows, attacking every vampire in sight.

Taking his distracted state as my advantage, I moved towards my mate and quickly began unshackling the chains that were tightly wrapped around her wrists. Once they were off, I grabbed my lovers hand and ran.

This was to end the war....

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