One Of Them? (Chapter 6)

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A/N: Yo you hoes! 😂 I'm joking, I love you guys. Like seriously, you're guys support on this book is insane!!! Also, Backup dancer has just reached 50k 🙊 I'm so happy at the moment that I'm going to upload this chapter today!!!! Anyway, on with the chapter! Enjoy!!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
Once Lauren left me, I couldn't help but be drowned in my thoughts. So much so that I had to find a seat so I could calm myself down.

There was no way that Lauren was related to them. They brutally killed my family. Even my 4 year old brother, Josh...

He had nothing to do with the feud. He was innocent. Barley heard in this world but they took his life away from him without a second glance.

Some people were slightly confused when they heard me talk with so much venom laced in my voice when I talked about the Jauregui's.

It's because my mother and father had been friends with Michael and Clara, or the King and Queen as they are known now. But ever since that god forsaken war broke out between the humans and us, they betrayed not only us but my whole kind as well.

They called us savages, monsters, spat at us when they saw us walk down the streets.

Treated us like street rats.

Like Tramps...

Nothing would ever persuade me to forgive the Jauregui's for what they have done. They changed my life. And that wasn't for the better.

My mind was in another place. Almost completely oblivious to the world. That was until I saw the Emerald Beauty walk her way or to me, her hand gently placed on my shoulder.

" ok. You look..." She was looking for the right word to say.

"Furious..." I husked lowly, trying to give the struggling girl a helping 'hand'. In return, she smiled towards me and quickly agreed.

"Well...just...something came up and it wasn't particularly a happy moment..." I tried to warm Lauren up, almost trying to persuade her, with a charming smile.

Lauren didn't look like she was convinced by the look I gave her. In fact, it made her look even more worried. It was incredibly cute that she was worried over someone like me.

" you want to talk about it..." She said sweetly, taking a seat next to me while she grabbed my hand gently. Those familiar sparks flew once I felt the skin to skin contact between the two of us.

I couldn't help but look up towards her, ever so slowly getting lost into the universe called her emerald eyes. Even though I've known this girl for not that long, I couldn't help but feel attached to her.

Long for her even.

"Well...the name Jauregui has always given me chills..." I husked lowly, whilst my gaze was fixated on her emerald gems.

"Why's that?" Her perfectly sculptured eyebrows furrowed slightly. Almost as if she was trying to figure me out. As if I was the most hardest puzzle to complete.


"Miss Jauregui! You're father wishes for your presence." A man, around his 40s, walked up to us interrupting our conversation.

"But Kendrick-"

"He says it's urgent Miss Jauregui." Lauren sighed heavily, almost as if she realised she was fighting a loosing battle. She looked towards me with an apologetic look before following the man.

I was about to tell Lauren about it. About how I am on my own. How my family was murdered by those...monsters...

"She really is something isn't she..." A brown haired man spoke beside me. When I looked towards the direction of the voice, I noticed him looking towards Lauren with lustful eyes.

The sight almost sickened me. Nova was practically begging me to rip the boy apart.

It was almost a tempting offer.

"The name's Brad. Apart of the Vamp Clan..." He turned his attention towards me once Lauren was completely out of sight. His hand was held out, offering me a handshake.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)..." I husked lowly, shaking the boy's hand. His cold rough hand firmly squeezed my own. If I wasn't an Alpha, I would of surly whimpered due to his strength.

Good thing I was an Alpha and significantly stronger...

"You're Clan?" He asked, his tone questioning. Once I heard that question leave his mouth, I couldn't help but panic slightly.

What was I meant to say! Quick! Think, Think!.

"Can I have you're attention please!" A voice bellowed throughout the room. I thanked the moon goddess slightly for saving my ass once again.

When I turned around, I wish I didn't. Fear filled my being when I saw his face.

"I'm glad to announce my daughter is getting married."

Micheal Jauregui.

Even his voice now made shivers run up my spine. I swear, if I could run out of this room at this very moment, I would take that chance but I stayed. For Lauren's sake.

To be honest, I didn't know that he even had a daughter. Or kids in fact. I thought he was too heartless to have offspring in my honest opinion.

"This is a big night. Reason why I gathered you all here! You all thought it was a normal gathering, didn't you?" There were a few murmurs coming from the crowd.

'I don't like the feeling of this (Y/N)' Nova whimpered through our link.

I couldn't help but agree with her. Something didn't feel right. Felt off. Odd almost.

"I would like to announce that Lauren Jauregui, my daughter, will marry Brad Simpson of the Vamp Clan!" There was an eruption of cheers coming from the crowd.

Lauren came into view, standing beside her father. Her eyes were scanning the crowd, looking for somebody. When her eyes locked on me, her eyes widened when she read my expression.




I felt like I had a knife stuck in my back. Lauren's eyes said a million sorry's.

Shaking my head, I slowly backed away from the ballroom. My walk soon turned into a jog, then into a run into the woods.

How can she be one of them?

One of them!?

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