One Of Us (Chapter 21)

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you all still love me after the last chapter. It's been a long anticipated week for this update and I can't wait to see your guys' reaction. Without further a due! Enjoy the chapter!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
A burning sensation was the first thing that brung me out of the eternal darkness that I was trapped in. Burning in my shoulder blade was self explanatory due to the wolf's bane but that didn't give me an explanation why my wrists were burning.

Looking upwards, the clank of metal was the first thing that got my attention before I noticed the material. Silver. It felt like someone was peeling away my skin slowly and I was sure my skin would be red raw.

I looked around the room, taking in my surroundings. Dark and dismal was the first thoughts that came to mind. I noticed old scratch marks all over the brick walls. There was also dried blood by one of the corners, which made me nervous.

There were no windows, just one candle light illuminating the room. It didn't do much in revealing much of the room as it's naked flame danced around a small spot in the room.

Gulping, I couldn't hear my wolf at all and that made me fear for my life. It was as if the wolfsbane had cut my connection with Nova and that scared me. Nova was apart of me and if I loose her...I loose myself.

I began yanking on the chains, trying my best to ignore the burning sensation on my skin. Silver was truly the worst kind of metal for a werewolf and I was truly knowing the effects it was having on me.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you..." A gruff British voice echoed from the shadows causing me to stop my actions.

A figure emerged from the darkness and I immediately growled. Guess I still have some sort of wolf in me.


" you remember me?" He chuckled as he dragged a chair before sitting on it, crossing one leg over the other and seemed to inspect me.

"Where's Lauren..."

"Oh she's fine. More than fine since I had my way with her."

A low growl erupted from my chest when I heard what he said. Even though I couldn't communicate with my wolf, it was certain that she didn't like the thought of my mate with another person.

Brad's low chuckle broke my thoughts and all I wanted to do was to rip his throat out.

"Wolfie obviously doesn't like that. I've got a few questions to ask you."

"Like I'll give you answers!"

"You've got no choice!" Brad hissed towards me causing me to gulp slightly. "It's answers or I'll get Lauren down here and have my way with her." Just the thought made me growl.

After a short silence between us, Brad leaned forward and leant his elbows on his thighs.

"Who are you?"

"Why should care?"

"Who are you?" He repeated the question once again, his tone had a lot more pressure and force behind it.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)..." I husked out in a low voice.

"The infamous (Y/L/N). You know...I've got a little something to give you." Brad left the light and was once again embraced by the darkness.

It was at this point I realised my heart was racing at what Brad had to give me. Gulping slightly, my attention was on Brad once again and my eyes widened at the small figure that stood in front of him.


"That's right. What a lovely brother and sister reunion!" Brad exclaimed, a wicked smile plastered on his face.

Josh looked towards me, a fearful look in his eyes. They were the same eyes I had looked upon when I saw his life be taken away from him.

"But...but how? I saw you get killed." A stray tear had fallen from my face. Not from the pain but from the overwhelming feeling of finding out I wasn't alone.

"Little Josh here had some help from a certain vampire. He turned and we had to raise him as one of our own." Brad chuckled once again.

I was honestly shocked by the situation that I'd been placed in. Josh had been alive all this time and what was worse was that they changed him. They changed my little brother.

I don't know how long it had been but I would of said that Josh was about 9 or 10 years old.

"He's not one of you anymore." I could see my younger brother quiver as Brad placed his hand on his shoulder.

Something in me had awoken once I saw my brother in fear. The words 'not again' echoed through my mind and I could feel my wolf surfacing.

"He'll never be one of you!" I snarled my canines towards the vampire and before I knew it, he was face to face with me with a crooked smile.

"Oh, I think you'll find he's very much like us." He hissed before slapping my cheek. If it wasn't for the wolfsbane, the slap wouldn't of hurt as much. My brother yelped when he heard the contact.

"You be quite!" With that, Josh's pleas were silenced. I couldn't help but look towards him and see him shaking on the spot.

What have they done to him...

"One last question," Brad's voice broke me from my focus on my brother and I turned to look towards him. "What's your connection with Lauren?"

I knew this question was coming at some point but I didn't know if I was prepared to let Lauren get punished because we were mates.

After a moment of silence, a punch knocked the wind out of me and made me cough violently. Obviously Brad wasn't satisfied with my silent answer.

"Answer me!" He hissed, obviously pissed at my reaction.

So I did the best thing I could. I peered up into Brad's eyes, giving him a bone chilling glare that I could sum up and told him.

"She's my mate..."

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