Truth (Chapter 7)

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A/N: Hey guys! So I am back with another chapter. Just wanna thank all of your guys support for this book! Also, I've been back at school for the past few weeks so my exams will come soon. Just wanna say sorry for not updating because things have been hectic cause my brother got married soooooo yep! However, I was thinking about doing a schedule like I did for BackUp Dancer but I will let you guys know the schedule when confirmed. Anyway! Onto the chapter. Enjoy!!

Lauren's P.O.V
How could I be so stupid?

I exposed myself to (Y/N) being the Princess. I mean, the look she had when I mentioned the castle. There was so much fear and dread laced in her eyes.

It almost made me want to know her story. Know everything about her.

My eyes widened when I saw (Y/N)'s face after I spent a little bit of time, looking for her. Once I did, I wish I never did.

There was so much hate laced in her eyes. If I could die, I would die right then and there.

(Y/N) backed away from the ballroom slowly. The sight made my heart break. I couldn't let her leave without explaining.

"(Y/N)!" I called after her, desperation laced in my voice. Ignoring my father's attempts to stop me, I began to run down the stairs, surprisingly not falling over in high heels, in the direction  (Y/N) left.

My legs pumped, while my hands hoisted up my dress as I ran after the girl. Even my breathing was starting to become staggered as I got outside of the castle, onto the lawn.

At that moment, I kicked off my heels to help me run just that little bit faster. You see, I hadn't learnt how to run at extraordinary speed yet so I wasn't as fast as (Y/N); if not, I was slower than her.

After what seemed like years worth of running, I came to a stop when I saw the girl's back towards me. It looked like she stopped quite a while ago because she didn't seem to be out of breath at all or she was just extremely fit.

"Look, (Y/N)...I can explain." I practically begged for her to listen to what I had to say. She held her hand up to stop me from talking any further.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" She husked lowly, obviously upset with the whole ordeal that had recently happened. "That you were the Princess..." Her voice broke. I swore she was crying and that made my guilt swell.

"Of course I was." I exclaimed, taking a small step towards her. "I just...I thought you'd be scared of me." I mumbled quietly.

"Did your Father ever speak of my kind to you when you were a child?" Her question confused me. Where was she going with this.

"Yeah...he did. Where you going with this (Y/N)?" I asked her softly, not wanting to push past the barrier between the two of us.

(Y/N) turned around, her face sour and dried tear stains down her face. All I wanted to do was to go up to her and kiss her tears away. I wanted to tell her everything was going to be alright but I couldn't at this moment in time.

Her jaw was extremely tight. I could practically see her jaw clenching as if she was holding back all her emotions.

"Your Father betrayed my pack." She growled out, scaring me.

My father knew (Y/N)'s parents? This confused me immensely. Then...why did he speak so negatively about their kind? Why couldn't I meet (Y/N) sooner?

I took a step towards her. "(Y/N)...what do you mean?" I asked her, trying to keep my tone soft towards her.

"You mean, your Father never told you..." She husked, almost mumbled as if I wasn't supposed to hear her but she knew I did.

"Tell me what?" I tilted my head to the side while I looked towards the            (Y/E/C) eyes goddess before me.

(Y/N) sighed heavily whilst running a hand through her hair.

"Your Father and Mother were friends with my own parents but after the war broke out, that changed." She looked down at the ground, looking like she was trying her best not to get angry but it didn't work as she looked back at me with so much anger and hatred in her eyes.

"They betrayed my family and pack. Called us savages...just because we were involved in a war with humans. It only broke out because we found out humans were conducting experiments on our kind. Torturing my kind. Your Father never liked us...he wanted us dead." Her words shocked me. This was a new light I was seeing my Father and the whole war in. It was a new perspective.

"That's why my Father made a truce with yours. That if he were to lay a hand on any wolf and aid what the humans were doing, he would personally rip his hand off...but if he didn't, he'd offer Micheal's land protection...under his pack. My pack!" A stray tear ran down (Y/N)'s face. I'd never seen such a strong girl seem so helpless. It broke my heart to see her in that state.

In my shock, I slowly made my way over to her. There was no doubt about it that if my heart had a pulse, it would be racing due to how much venom (Y/N) had spoke with about my family.

I stood in front of the broken girl, gently clasping her hand in my own. Her skin was so much warmer than my own cold skin.

Looking up at her, my own path of tears began to run.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." That was all I could utter out of my mouth. I was beginning to break under (Y/N)'s intense gaze.

My arms wrapped around the taller girl's broad shoulders, pressing my head against her chest while my tears kept flowing. It was only a little while until (Y/N) reoccupied the embrace by wrapping her arms around my waist, placing her head on top of my own.

Werewolves weren't bad.

They weren't aggressive.
They were big softies that needed loving in order to be fixed.

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