I joined Dr Stanley while we checked up on a few patients. Today was a surprisingly calm day, and there really wasn't much going on.

"You've been consistently showing us excellent work, Scarlett," Dr Stanley began after we'd stepped out of a room of one of the patients under his care, "I'm not one to do this often, but take the rest of the day off. You deserve it."

The smile he gave me had me doing a happy dance inside my head. Dr Stanley was strict and very professional. Him being this kind was almost unheard of; rarer than rare.

"Thank you, Dr Stanley," I returned his smile, but before I could continue he had walked off with a nurse who needed him with another patient.

I bumped into one of my fellow nurse-trainees and chatted with him a bit before heading over to the changing room to change out of my scrubs.

I began walking through one of the long hospital hallways towards the front doors. This hallway had many of our patients who were going through recoveries.

"Hi! Are you Scarlett?" I heard a very young male voice from behind me.

I stopped and turned around. My gaze landed on a young blond boy, around 10 years, rolling himself towards me in a hospital gown and on a wheelchair.

"Hey, there," I gave him a smile, "I am. How do you know my name?"

I took a step towards him so he wouldn't have to roll himself any closer. He clearly wasn't used to being in a wheelchair by the way he struggled with it. The side of his face was a little bruised and there was a long cut by his jaw.

"I'm your boyfriends biggest fan," he told me, light green eyes shining with such purity and happiness, "I want to be just like Theo when I grow up."

"That's very sweet," I squatted down in front of him to get more down on his level, "what's your name?"

"M'Daniel. D'you know I play football too? M' real good at it, too," he grinned with pride, a gap between his upper front teeth.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Daniel. What's got you cooped up in this wheelchair?" I decided to ask him, sending a quick smile to Linda who walked past us in a rush while she directed a wink at me in the process.

"'Was in a car accident. The silly doctor says I can't play football anymore," he chuckled to himself, and my smile faded, "I'm getting out of this wheelchair and playing football."

"That's... very determined of you," I gave him a gentle smile, not knowing what else to say.

"I've gotta go now, miss. Mum doesn't want me rolling too far away," he then told me, eyes still shining brightly.

"Alright. I wish you the best, Daniel."

His smile was so wide, it was adorable and heart aching at the same time, "please, tell Theo Black I said hi and that he's my idol."

"I will, honey. You better get back to your mum now, before she gets worried," I stood up and ruffled his hair to make him laugh.

"Bye, bye!" He waved while rolling his wheelchair around. I watched as he rolled away and disappeared into one of the rooms.


As soon as I exited the hospital, I called Theo.

"Hey, love," his voice immediately filled me with warmth.

"Hi," I unlocked my car and got in, "I was thinking if you wanted to do something tonight? I've got the rest of today off."

"Are you free now?" He then asked, something clearly on his mind.

"Give me an hour. I want to take a shower and change," I replied, putting him on speaker while I buckled myself in and placed my bag onto the passenger seat.

"Alright. I'll send Alfred to pick you up, I want you to come watch our practice," Theo told me, and my brows raised even when he couldn't see them.

"Did I hear you right? You know it's a miracle I even know that a football is round..." I laughed quietly to myself.

He chuckled, his low voice filling my body with heat, "come on, birdie. Emma's going to be there, a lot of other women as well."

"We can do whatever you like after we're done. Maybe go see a movie, or dinner somewhere nice?" Theo then suggested after I'd been quiet, hesitating.

"You know we can't go anywhere public..." I kept my eyes down on my lap, knowing it would take some time getting used to this kind of lifestyle.

"We can, love. As long as you don't mind being seen with me? People know we're dating, so as long as you feel okay with being in the public with me, it's fine."

I sighed, "I just want to spend time with you, without someone taking photos of us."

"Are you trying to lure me into bed again, Scarlett?" He teased, and I found a laugh slipping my lips. My mood raised again, thanks to him.

"What? Of course not!" I grinned, just shaking my head and leaning back against my seat, feeling hot just by talking to him through the phone, "you know what? I'll come watch you and your friends kick a ball. But after let's go to mine for a glass of wine and a movie."

"Sounds lovely, Scarlett. You know what it will lead to though, don't you? The glass of wine at yours?" I could almost hear the cocky smirk that was surely on his lips.

"Oh, I know."

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