Chapter 23

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 “Hey Destiny. Hey, wake up. We’re going to land soon.” I let out an annoyed groan and opened one eye to see Sam staring back at me. He was smirking and had a glass of juice in his hand, setting it on the tray in front of me. I slowly sat up straight in my chair and looked out of the window, relieved to finally see land instead of water. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and grabbed the glass, thanking Sam for it. Before I even had the chance to fully awake, Mr. Langston came and sat in front of us, going over the weeks schedule.

“OK. So we don’t meet Mr. Moore until tomorrow, so today is the time to prepare and get settled. Tomorrow we have the meeting briefing him in more detail about the structure. On Tuesday we are going out looking for an exact location on were the building will be built. Wednesday we are helping Mr. Moore advertise for the new foundation. You know like help explain the company, what it’s for. Then for the last couple of nights it’s just charity banquets and events to help raise money for the organization. Any questions?” He folded his arms and stared at us expectantly. I looked over at Sam and he just shrugged his shoulders, obviously ignoring the question we both wanted to ask. I guess I have to stand up and say it. I sat forward in my chair and Mr. Langston directed his attention towards me.

“Not to complain sir but isn’t most of this Mr. Moore’s companies job? I mean we are only supposed to design and build the buildings. We aren’t equipped to advertise, find the location, organize banquets. I’m just saying it sounds like he threw all of his responsibilities on us. We shouldn’t even have to fly out here really.” I waited for Mr. Langston to respond to the very obvious situation at hand. Langston Corporation designs and builds buildings and works in construction. We don’t advertise, the clients usually already decide the location, and the head manager of the project supervises the project. We never get involved further than our job. Why now?

“Destiny....The world of business comes with many different opportunities and challenges. Some you avoid but some you take on and see where they go. This is one of the times where I chose to see where it goes. I hope you agree with my decision. Now we will be landing soon. Get your stuff ready and prepare for this week.” He got out of the seat and quickly walked back to his, not looking back. I just sat there processing what he said but I still wasn’t fully sure of his decision. Sam must have felt my unease and nudged my arm, getting my attention.

“It will be fine. Come on. We’re in Paris. Get excited. We aren’t going to be working 24/7. You know how awesome this is?” He gave me a huge smile and I returned it. I was excited but for the most part I would rather be home right now or at least have Chres with me. I kinda hate that I had to leave with all the tension still between us. We both apologized and said everything was OK but I just feel like there is something else not being said. I want him to tell me on his own but Chres just doesn’t open up all the time and I know something is bothering him.

“Will everyone please buckle your seat belts. We are descending and will land in less than ten minutes. Welcome to Paris!” The over cheerful voice turned off and I looked out of the window, seeing the airport and runway in the distance. I couldn’t wait to get off of this plane. I hate being in one place for so long without getting out. I was just happy Alexis wasn’t on this trip. I wouldn’t be able to stand having her bother me. I wanted to somewhat enjoy this trip. I buckled myself in and waited for the plane to land. To my surprise we were the first to get off and got our bags rather quickly. As soon as I stepped outside I was greeted with wet, cold wind. I pulled my sweater tighter around me and followed everyone to the car waiting for us. The ride to the hotel was quick but very quiet. I looked out the window, observing all of the architecture and beautiful scenery. I couldn’t believe I was actually here. It wasn’t under the circumstances I would like but it was still amazing all the same. I was so engrossed in the town that I hadn’t noticed the car stop in front of a huge building.

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