Fate Randomness/Bonding Between Nera and Jekyll (With A Twist)

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Authoress: This story will be featuring Nera and her servant, Jekyll along with additional guests nya :3 Inspired by a video in Youtube nya :3

Nera: Yay! It's our turn nya :3

Authoress: Don't copy me nya!

Nera: *giggles* Nera will never listen to the Authoress nya :3

Jekyll: *sweatdrops* Please enjoy the segment.
It was a rainy night at the area. Neri and Merlin headed out to buy some takeouts for dinner while Nera and Jekyll were left behind at the household. Nera hums happily as she puts in the ingredients in her cauldron for her ummm...strange (Masaru: More like deadly!) errr...potion (Masaru: More like poison!) collections.

"You seemed happy, master. Is there some kind of event?" Jekyll asked Nera, noticing her strange behavior.

"Nera is happy because Alice will be coming to play with Nera. Not only that, Alice will be sleeping here!" Nera answered with a giggle while mixing the ingredients in her cauldron.

Jekyll sighs in relief because usually the reason that his master was happy is that she have tested several untested potions of hers to her friends (Authoress: Mostly to Masaru). Though, it's not unusual for her master to be happy whenever Alice comes over. But today, the two would be having a sleepover (with Kenji tagging along of course), which made Nera super happy.

"Shoot!" Nera's voice snapped Jekyll out of his thoughts, going to his master's side.

"What's wrong master?" Jekyll looks at Nera with a worried expression.

Nera just giggles as usual then answered,"Jekyll doesn't need to worry about Nera. Nera just forgot an ingredient to put in Nera's cauldron."

"Should I get it?" Jekyll suggested.

"No need. Jekyll can stay here to watch my cauldron while Nera will get it and will be right back," Nera declines Jekyll then heads to the basement.


"Now where can Nera find that ingredient?"

It has been a couple of minutes since Nera is in the basement. She hasn't found what she's looking for.

"Hmmm...now, where did Nera put it...ah Ne-" As soon as she found what she's looking for, the electricity went out.


Jekyll is now starting to get worried because Nera hasn't come out in the basement for awhile. To top it all, the electricity went out. Anything can happen in the dark like surprise attacks from enemies.

As soon as he thought of surprise attacks, Jekyll heard Nera's scream and some crashing sounds. Jekyll wasted no time to go down to the basement.


"Master! Master! Where are you?! Are you alright?!" Jekyll yelled with his knife at hand to prepare for any attacks, calling out for Nera.

He heard someone yelp and looked to the direction where the sound came from. Finally adjusted to the darkness, Jekyll finally recognized the figure. It was Nera, who was sitting on the floor, with boxes and things cluttered around her, and the one who yelped earlier. Jekyll wasted no time to approach his master.

"Master, are you alright?" Jekyll asked, tapping Nera's shoulder.

Nera yelped but as soon as she recognized the figure, she sighed qith relief, "Tha-Thank goodness that it's just you, J-Jeje. Y-Yeah, asides from the bump on my head earlier, I-I'm al-alright." Her voice sounded as if she was scared and wanted to cry.

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