You: You really think so?

You: What if I end up just making a fool of myself and he laughs at me?!?

GV: that won't happen and if it does you got me.

GV: right?

You: I guess, cuz I'm stuck with you now

GV: wow.

You: bye!~

GV: bye. 😞

GV: <attached image>

After ending my conversation with GV I realized that I wasn't upset anymore

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After ending my conversation with GV I realized that I wasn't upset anymore. He had made me feel happy. And throughout the entire conversation I felt like we were friends since forever.

Did I have a crush on him as well? 

'God Y/n you don't even know his real name!' I thought as I stared at my phone.

My stomach filled with butterflies at the thought of me and GV being a thing. Holding hands, dancing the night away, long nightly chats over the phone.

Maybe that could be a possibility. But I liked Jared as well. And he was a childhood crush.

I examined the two in my head. GV was far better than Jared, he never made fun of me and he made me feel very welcomed.

On the other hand, Jared was my friend for such a long time before and then he made fun of me and bullied me. Sure he's changed but if I ever told him then he would make fun of me for the rest of my life.

I had time to think about this because Jared didn't know who I was and at least I might be able to show him that I've also changed.

I sighed and stood up from the toilet and walked out towards my next class until Jayden stopped me and told me that they cancelled classes because of The Connor Project and how we were honoring some dead kid I've never heard of. Could you blame me? I came in the middle of the school year.

Jared's p.o.v.:

I saw Jayden appear with Y/n. Her eyes will still a little red from crying and her hair was a mess. I swear every time I saw her I felt like I feel in love all over again.

She was seriously going to be the end of me.

"Wheres Evan?" Jayden asked and at that I grew slightly annoyed.

"He wanted to spend time with the Murphy's." I replied.

"Lets walk home together." She smiled and winked at me making sure y/n didn't notice. Of course she had planned this.

Ever since I told her she hasn't stopped trying to get me together with y/n. She always bothered me and sometimes just came over to my house to swoon over how great of a love story we had.

'Just like Cinderella.' She had said once and added in afterwards. 'I get to be the fairy god mother that helps you guys unite together!'

You'd think that after going through an entire deathly situation with a psychopath she'd just chill but no. Instead she put more of her attention towards this 'case'

I didn't get her but I certainly new this was nothing like a love story.

Y/n liked someone else that wasn't me. She said she had a crush on someone that didn't know "she existed". Truly that couldn't be me I was part of her group of 'friends' if she'd ever call it that.

It must be some celebrity or popular kid in school.

As always the underdogs where pushed to the side when it came to love stories.

"Fine whatever." I answered coldly and we all began to walk in silence.

Y/n's p.o.v.:

"Fine whatever." Jared answered coldly and began to walk in front of both Jayden and I. I was a fool to think that he would ever change.

He didn't even want to spend time with me. Just the thought of me made him angry. He looked fine a second ago until Jayden mentioned walking together with me.

I didn't know what I was going to do but that thought quickly disappeared as I got a message from Jayden on my phone.

Jay: Meeting tomorrow. After school you know the drill.

I smiled, maybe I could see GV tomorrow again. Then I'd know for sure if I truly liked him.

My love life was like the tide. Always going back and forth, disappearing sometimes and then slamming my heart like a tsunami does to land.


I told you I'd use my favorite comment in the next chapter!

- Muse

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