Now she did. Tonys's school was selected amongst others around the nation to do the first legit Drama Camp. Tony wanted to be an actor. He strived to be one. So what better chance to do it then a Drama Camp, and why not take his best friend.

Those the logistics of the situation was she was a chaperone. Tony was crazy excited. He got even more excited when rumours circulated that famous actors were gonna be there. They're be flying from Houston to Miami tonight.

Come Friday morning a meeting would be held to discuss the plan for this event. Saturday and Sunday were for the kids to enjoy Miami. Then Monday through Wensday they would be doing activities. Thursday was a whole big event thing and Friday night they flew out.

It was gonna be eventful. She was only set to be on duty Monday through Thursday. She coudnt wait to chill poolside in her new bikini. Not to mention her longtime bestfriend from high school which she hasn't seen in 7 years was gonna fly out to spend time with her.

Hell maybe she even could catch a one night stand with someone. It has been so long since someone took her back out. Lord knows she needed a good session.

The rest of the group from his school was here along with the Drama teacher and the other chaperones, one she diddnt care for in particular.

Micheal Simmons.

A man whose had a crush on her since Tony started high school. She knew it to. She diddnt really like him, but the attention was nice so she entertained it. He wasn't her type. What was her type?

Well for one not thrice divorced.

And defiantly not tagged with a crazy exwife/babymama.

He grinned at her. Taraji thanked the Lord that she booked hers a first class flight. Tony of course begged her to book one for him to. Eight hundred and fifty seven dollars later plus pet fee they had seats. Tony picked Nova up. The meletonin kicking in. She sighed this wait was gonna be the longest of her life by the way Micheal was cheezing at her.

 She sighed this wait was gonna be the longest of her life by the way Micheal was cheezing at her

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Terrence Dashon Howard.

"Kimble give me the agenda." Terrence spoke shrugging on his jacket.

"Uhhh...Photoshoot at 10, Promo/ Interview at 3, and then tommorow Interview at 11, Lunch with mom at 12:30, meeting at 2 and 3, photo shoot at 4." Kimble spoke reading off his tablet. Terrence cursed.

"What time is my flight again?" Terrence asked.

"Uhhhh...Oh..4:30." Kimble mumbled looking at it again.

"That's not gonna work. Call the coordinators for the camp and tell them I'll be late." Terrence spoke walking out to the waiting car.

"Ok. But Terrence honestly why are you doing this? As your manager and bestfriend I'm here to advise you and steer you the right way. You could be making money, but you want to go to this camp free of charge." Kimble spoke.

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