t h i r t y - f o u r

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Does it hurt when you smile too much? I've been smiling like an idiot for the past hour, on our way to my house. I don't know, today's a mixture of everything but everytime Jack is there, everything seems okay. Now I turned into those sappy girls in movies and I don't mind it.

The vehivcle comes to a halt and Jack got out of his car and slammed the door closed without noticing that I'm still inside. What an asshole, and I scoffed. I got my things from the back seat and when I was about to open the door, Jack already opened.

"Maybe not an asshole at all." I murmur as I smile to myself. "I'm sorry, what?" Jack asked and I smiled at him as I walked passed him.

"Do you--" I didn't finish what I was about to say because as I turned back to ask him, I bumped into his emerging body. He held me back as he steady me so I don't fall. We were really close, like really close. I can feel his breath hovering my forehead and my hairs on my arm were straight as a pin.

"Hey guys..." mom said as me and Jack scrambled awkwardly. "Oh, hey Jack. Do you wanna come in and have dinner with us?" mom smirked.

"Uh.. Yeah, sure." he shakily replied. "Why don't you head inside first, I'll be waiting for your brothers and open up the gate for them." as my mom informed us that, Jack's face went from pale to super pale. I gripped his hand and led him inside. We walked upstairs and head to my room.

Jack is still pale but not as much since he is looking at our hands. I removed it and he slowly looked at me. I put my hands on both his shoulders trying to assure him. "Hey, what is wrong?"

"Uhm, just scared of your brothers." Oh yeah, after that leaving insident, they didn't got along.

"Why would you be scared?" I said, I still got to play along woth my role because he still doesn't know that I'm not really ill. And it scares me because I don't know what to tell him.

"Uh, you know. Meeting your brothers and stuff. You're a girl and I'm a guy, what would your brothers might think? I also have sisters so I know what brothers do when their sisters has a boy over." he explains himself as he sweat through words. He's still lying to me, making his alibis and stuff so I might as well but I know this wouldn't end well. We didn't end well from the past either so, this wouldn't be such a waste either.

Or is it?

"C'mon let's clean your wounds up."


am i the only one that read that 'or is it?' line in harry's tone? nope just me, don't mind me. i'm really really sorry that i haven't uploaded in such a long time, i just can't continue it cause i don't know how and writer's block is my issue. don't worry but i'll post every week, i don't promise but i'll try, harder. and imma be honest with you guys but im also gone busy binge watching 13rw, riverdale and stranger things so i didn't get the time to right. i know excuses, excuses.

btw i love their new song hooked and it's released like couple of days ago and still has me shooketh, im still finding my wig tho, think it flew off because of jack's notes

btw i love their new song hooked and it's released like couple of days ago and still has me shooketh, im still finding my wig tho, think it flew off because of jack's notes

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