t h i r t y - t w o

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Am I that easy to persuade? Is my decision right for giving him another chance? Well, let's see. I am currently cuddling a bear that Jack gave me on 2nd grade and by the looks of it, he seems amused by me hugging it.

"What?" I asked Jack that is currently breaking out of his trance. "Why are you staring at me like I magically turned into an angel and you're smiling like an idiot by the way."

"Way to go hurting my feelings. It's just your hugging that bear as if your life depends on it." he said still amused on what he is witnessing.

"Well that is over exaggerating. I like the bear." I said snuggling and hugging it tighter.

"I didn't know you will come off that low T. A bear?" he teasingly said.

"Of course not you idiot. I just felt connection between me and the bear. I really don't know where this bear came from but I like the company of it." I said while he still kept that amused look on his face. He slowly crept under the sheets and snuggled beside me and the bear as we were squishing it together.

"I miss this." he mutter to himself but I heard it clearly. I didn't want to ruin the mood so I just brush it off. We lay down in complete silence, only the bear separating us from each other.

"What would your brothers think if they find me inside your room?" he butted in out of nowhere.

"My brothers went back home because they are still studying and dad came with them just to check them out." I explained.

"Why not study here?" he asked. "They don't want to leave behind Pennsylvania."

He became silent. An awkward silence lingered around my room. "Callie, dinner's ready come down here. Also, Jack join us." mom yelled from the kitchen. We get up from our position and walked down the stairs to be slapped by the delicious aroma of mom's cooking.

We sat and tell grace. We eat in silence and sometimes mom would ask Jack how is it living here in California. The thing is Mom remained friends with Jack's mom. I was the only one who drifted away and shut them out because of Jack. The bear was the only memory that I lived with since he left.

"Uhm, Mrs. Ford?" he broke the silence. What's with the formality Jack? Mom looked up at him gesturing him to continue his statement. "Uhm I would like to-I mean we, with my friends- to spend tomorrow at the beach and bring Callie with us. If that's okay with you?" he asked nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I don't see what's wrong with that." mom said and triumph flashed through Jack's eyes.

hope you enjoyed, until the
next update. byeeeee


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