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After time passed through that, I didn't realised that it is almost 1pm. Wow, I sure do waste my time just thinking everytime. I pull the charger plug out the socket and walk my way through the stairs.

"Bye mom, I'll be back may in an hour or two but I'll text you if it'd be later." I say waving goodbye to my mom after I kissed her cheek. Is it only me or do you too update everything you do to your mom?

As I am walking outside our house, on my way to the gate, I realised something. I didn't know the place where I am supposed to be meeting Daniel. What a stupid young lady you got here. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and texted Daniel about where I should meet him and his friends.

Uh, Daniel, where will I meet you guys?😅.

Oh, here at the Starbucks near vine st.
The driver already know it. 

Okay, im on my way.

Don't worry I'm on my way😂


Oh nothing😑

I'm confused then suddenly the car stopped. I didn't recognised that we are already here. Wow, I must say, L.A. you are one big busy human. Cars honking everywhere, busy people and hot as fudge. I began walking through the streets of Hollywood and make my way to the place we agreed to meet. I walked inside and I see five men, wel maybe boys because tgey looked so much younger. One boy turned around and it happens to be Daniel.

"Hey. Theophilia, you're already here. Come sit with us." he says as he assists me to the place I will sit. "So here are my bandmates." he says gesturing me to the boys occupied by their phones. I laugh at their ignorance because I thought myself that this is not new to them. Meeting girls and stuff. "Guys!" Daniel said snapping them at their out of their phones. They all looked up one by one. Their faces seemed familiar then one last face also seemed familiar. Too familiar. He has curly hair and then I realised that he is none other than, Bobby himself. He looked shocked, as for myself, I am too.

"Theo, this is my bandmates. Guys this is Callista Theophilia Ford. Guys introduce yourselves to her." he says motioning the guys to introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Jonah Marais" the tall brown haired boy reaching for my hand to shake it. "Hello." I replied.

"I'm Corbyn Besson, with a y though." the other tall boy but with blonde hair said. "Hello, Corbyn Besson with a y though." I joked.

"I'm Zach Herron, but they call me Mr. Super Awesome." he bragged. "Zach buddy, no one calls you that." Jack said. It's weird that I know his voice but it sounds like new to me since I haven't heard it in so long.

"Uh hey, you probably know me." he said then all the boys looked at him in confusion. "You know him?" Daniel questioned. "Uh, never heard of him." I lied but then I saw his reaction. Hurt and embarrassed. I suddenly feel th guilt uprising my body but maybe it's just the best to forget the memory of him. "Oh, maybe you just looked familiar and by the way, I'm Jack Robert Avery." he says emphasising his second name.


Hey hoped you enjoyed it. I'm sorry I know I'm a bad writer but I'm trying.

Thank you so much for 51 reads. It means so much to me and I hope again that you you've enjoyed my story.


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