t h i r t y

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It is my first day at work and so far, I am enjoying it. There is nothing much going pn the shop, orders here and there. Sometimes, I offered to serve tables so I can get tipped. In two hours, my shoft would end and I'm free to go. I put the money of the previous customer in the money rack and when I turned my head up to face another customer, I am greeted by a pair of brown orbs and a wide smile topping a mop of noodle hair.

"Hi can I get your best seller here?" Jack asked as I typed in his order in the computer. "Anything else?"

"I want to spend time with you." he told me and I can't help but feel the butterflies inside my stomach. "Jack, I got a lot of work to do. Please not here."

I know you're wondering, one time I was this girl who are open arms to accept Jack again then another, I close my walls and shut him off. At first I got to be soft but I can't make the same mistake again then go through the same pain again.

"I'll wait for you." I ignored his statement as I greeted another customer. Customers kept barging in and piling up in the store so I volunteered to add 2 more hours in my work time. It's already 9pm and before my shift was over, I saw Jack sleeping peacefully around the table in the corner of the shop. I took this as an opportunity to walk outside the shop without him noticing.

The shop is almost at close time after my shift was over and when I got out of there, my manager starts rounding inside the shop, checking the condition of the place before she closes it. She noticed a drooling Jack and wake him up. He looked confused on why he is there and why is he alone. It's written all over his face. I saw him asked Sienna on where I was but she said that I already left not so long ago.

Again, hurt. Hurt is written on his eyes as he exited the shop, reaching his pocket for his keys, I hid myself behind a plant and he didn't notice me.

I walked outside and waiting for a cab to pass by and then a car came to halt in front of me. It was Jack's. Just as I thought that I escaped Jack. He opened the front door of the passenger seat and gestured me to come in.

"No, I'll wait for a cab instead." I declined but he insisted. "No, it's already late and who knows what could be out there."

After a few more convincing, I gave in cause it's getting annoying and I'm slightly scared that the streets are getting dull and empty.

When I jumped in, he observed me. He didn't start the car and we sat in silence. "Why did you left me inside the shop?" I knew this was coming that's why I declined his offer but fuck it, I made this decision and I have to embrace this.

"I thought you left just like the other customers." I lied slightly scratching the back of my neck to make it more believable.

"Are you ignoring me?" well shit. This escalated fast. "Yeah, kinda." I said as a pink blush of embarrassment crept in my skin.

"But why?" he asked confused on why I did ignored him. I have to make a fast lie. C'mon Callie, think. "Uhm, I don't eant to get attached on someone or anyone because I'm afraid of them leaving me." well that's not a lie and also one of the many reasons why I was ignoring him.

"I don't know what I would do when a person leaves me again." I explained. "Look what it got me, a freaking amnesia." I added.

What happened to the walls that I worked so hard to build again? Why does when it comes to Jack, it's hard to keep that wall standing and not crushing the life out of me?

"I would never leave you. Only an idiot would leave you. I consider myself as an idiot for leaving someone but I learned my lesson so I'm not doing the same to you." a tear left my eye, is this really true? What if? There are so many what ifs but I want to trust him again. "I'm not leaving you. Not ever again."

okay, my creative juices is coming back to me and this story is getting somewhere


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