Phan- Worst sleepover, best boyfriend

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TW- Homophobia. I hate the word homophobia.


Phil's POV

I got invited to a sleepover at my friend Louis' house tonight. It's her birthday so I guess that's pretty cool. She said she invited another dude so that should be cool too. Unfortunately, my boyfriend Dan wasn't invited. Whilst Louis and Dan are great friends, She said that tonight would just be us.

"Dan! I'm leaving, love." I call through the apartment from the front door. Dan comes racing over before slamming his lips against mine and placing his hand on my hips. We stayed like that for a while until SOMEONE wanted to uh... keep the party going if you know what I mean, but I had to go. I push him away slightly giggling. "I have to go, love you."

"Love you too, babe." He responds before kissing me one last time as I march down the street to Louis' place. I knock twice when I get to her doorstep and she greets me with a giant hug and a lot of chatter. She takes me into her living room where another girl was sitting. She smiled kindly up at me before standing and introducing herself to me.

"Hi, my name is Melony. It's sooo wonderful to meet you. Louis has told me so much about you." I smiled back at her.

"Hey, I'm Phil. It's nice to meet you too." The night was going well and fun for a while. Melony seemed pretty cool. She likes video games, too which is cool I guess. It wasn't until Louis went to use the bathroom when I actually got to meet the real Melony.

"So you're the faggot that Louis told me about." I snapped my head over to her. "Your going to hell for it you know. I can't stand people like you." I felt tears brim my eyes as her harsh words whipped me across the face. "Oh what now? You're gonna go cry. Go cry to your boyfriend. The only person in this world that will love you." Louis came back into the room, oblivious to what just happened. I don't think I can hold in the tears much longer.

"L-Louis. I need the toilet. Ill be back." It comes out a little shaky but overall I think I'm good. I race upstairs to the bathroom, locking the door and sliding down the wall. I let out all the restrained tears as I pressed call on Dan's name. I rung twice before he answered.

"Hey, Philly. What's shakin' bacon."

"D-Dan. I-" I trail off into another round of sobs.

"Baby, what's wrong. Talk to me." He reasons, worry flooding through his voice.

"S-she called me a faggot and she told me all t-t-t-these horrible things. I just-" I heard footsteps coming up to the bathroom as Dan spoke.

"What who did, love? It wasn't Louis was it?"

"N-No, it wasn't her..."

"Phil? What are you doing in the bathroom for so long you silly nugget." Louis chuckles.

"Baby, put Louis on the phone." Dan reassured. I sigh and unlock the door, coming face to face with Louis. Her smile faded as she walked in the room with me, shutting the door behind her.

"Philly, what's up why are you crying. Dan? are you on the phone?" I press speaker.

"Yeah, hey Louis. So who was calling Phil a faggot?" He says, getting straight to the point.

"Phil! Was Melony calling you a faggot?" I nodded gently.

"She also told me that I would go to hell for who I love. She says she can't stand people like me." I broke into more sobs as Louis angrily grunts and tries to run downstairs but I catch her wrist in time. "It's ok. I think I'm just gonna go home." I mutter and she nods before hugging me tightly. I grab my stuff and walk down the street to our apartment. I shakily open the door to our apartment where Dan was waiting for me in the hallway. He immediately pulls me into a tight hug before picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the couch, where we ended up cuddling for t he rest of the night.


Hey ok, so I need this to be said. I hated writing the homophobia. I couldn't stand it. I hate the fact that there are people out there who think that they can just waltz around and hate on people, just because they love the same gender. It was Morgan Freeman that said "I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an asshole." It is and never will be right to tell someone that they shouldn't love who they love. So wear the entire fucking rainbow around, tell the mother fuckers who have a problem with it 'you're only jealous because I can actually find love', Flip them off, and walk away.

Sorry I just needed to say that.

Love you guys.


One-shot bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora