MessIDK - SpongeBob and chill

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(All in Brandon's POV)

Robert has been really stressed lately about finishing all his song and I want to do something special for him. I set up or lounge with our tv set on season 2 of SpongeBob SquarePants, a blanket laid out on the couch for the two of us, and some popcorn. I also take some of the leftover fairy lights from when Robert was decorating his room and drape them on the walls of the room. Perfect. I shut off the lights of the room leaving only the twinkle of the fairy lights and the tv screen to light the room. I march upstairs to Robert and I's room where he was pacing nervously and basically pulling his hair out. (Not really he still has all his hair, lol) 

"Hey, love." I start, gently opening the door startling the Canadian boy. "i have a surprise for you." 

"You know I love you but I can't right now, I have to finish this song tonight and I-" I cut him off by dragging the smaller by his wrist into the lounge where my simple setup was. His stressed face slowly melted into a blush and a small smirk, which he hid by looking at his feet.

"Still don't have time?" I question, leading him over to the couch where I lie down pulling him on top of me. I cover us both with a blanket and he sets his head down on my chest, pressing play on the remote. We watch a few episodes before I notice Robert starting to drift off. I place a kiss on lips, gently. 

"I love you Robert." I mutter.

"  I love you too, Brandon." 


I'm sorry this is short but it's late and I think it's cute. Are all my endings the same? I need variety.

Have a great night Angels. 


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