Phan-Motion Sickness

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Dan's POV

"TOUR BUS! TOUR BUS TOUR BUS TOUR BUS!" I sing running around our new home fore the next couple of months. My wonderful boyfriend already found his new spot for a temporary sofa crease. 

"Bear, what are you doing you silly goose!" He laughed as I came in a jumped on top of him. I kiss him gently then stand pulling him up with me. 

"Babe, WE'RE FINALLY ON TOUR!" I screech. 

"Ok, love! Don't make our ears bleed!" He complained. We made ourselves comfortable as the bus started moving. Everything was really great so far. We had fun with our crew. The lounge and bunks were great. The bathroom was also really sweet too because it was actually kinda spacious. It wasn;t until Phil disappeared without any of us knowing somehow.

"Hey were did Phil, go?" I ask suddenly. The crew goes silent and most just shrug or grunts as a 'sorry mate, don't know where your boyfriend ran off too.' But then it hit me. Motion sickness. I bet he forgot to take his pill today. And sure enough I found him laying down in the master bedroom, our bedroom, on the floor. "Philly?" I ask, quietly. He grunts. His head was buried in his arms and his knees were pulled into his chest. I sat down next to him and placed my back in between his stomach and his legs, forcing his legs to bend more normally and his head onto my lap. I stroked his hair softly as he whimpers a bit. "You're gonna be ok. Should have taken the pills sooner, huh?" I said as he let out a soft 'mhm' "Here, stay here and I'm gonna go get the pills and some water and maybe some tylenol." I say as I softly kiss his head before getting up on to be pulled back down by phil grabbing my wrist and shaking his head.

"Please stay." He muttered.

"I'll be right back, I promise." I wheedle, he hesitatnly let go and I sprinted to get the water, pills, and meds. I was stopped by one of the crew members who was aking about Phil and I quickly informed him on the situation before I got back to an...empty room? Where is he? But soon my question was answered by the sound of retching in the bathroom. I race to get there and I set everything down on the vanity and stroke his back as he lets out the contents of his stomach. After a bit he leans back against the wall that's behind him. "Do you feel any better, love?" He nods and I move his hair fringe out of his eyes and kiss his forehead. I gave him the pills and tylenol and then picked him up bridal style and carried him to bed. I laid him down then laid down next to him wrapping my arm around his shoulders protectively as he places his head on my chest. I hope he's ok to do the show tonight, I think.


Sorry its a bit short, this time around. Have a great night angels!



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