Frerard-The boy who sings but never speaks part 1

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Frank's POV

High school sucks. Well, I mean everyone know that. But honestly, it's the worst. We sit in a classroom all day a listen to a teacher drone on about something useless like Geometry. Who needs Geometry. The only classes that I enjoy are Drama and Music. Then of course, there's Gerard Way. The only reason I didn't drop out a long time ago. He's gorgeous. His long, shaggy blood red hair blended nicely with his really pale complexion. The eyeliner he wore enhanced his golden eyes. He wore black all the time, skinny jeans that worked if you know what I mean, a lot of concert tees. But the most mysterious part of this boy? He never spoke. Not once. I know he's not mute because I'm best friends with his brother Mikey, one of the only people to have heard Gerard's voice. Mikey is in the grade below me and Gerard but is in our lunch, so he sits with me and my friends. Gerard sits on a railing overlooking the cafeteria. I'm not kidding. He sits on this thin piece of metal, a death drop of 25 maybe thirty feet to his right and a smaller drop of ten feet to his right. He never eats lunch either, he just sits up there and writes in a notebook. Every. Single. Day. But boy does he look good doing it.

"FRANK!" I hear a scream and I look across the table to find Ray screaming at me.

"What happened?" I asked, cluelessly.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you about-cough- a certain someone..." He trails his sentence off, wiggling his eyebrows a bit. This jolted up Frank's attention. How could he possibly know about Gerard?

"W-what do you mean?" He asks, trying to mask a blush. But failing as Mikey jabs his side, ooo-ing.

"Come on, it's obvious how you look at Gerard, Frank. You're in love." James piped up from  his sandwich. I looked up to where he usually sits, to find it...empty?

"Looking for Gee? He's probably in the practice room, knowing my brother. Singing maybe. He was working on this one song- Frank where are you going?" He asked as I stood up from my chair and running towards the music room. I want, no I NEED to hear this boys voice. I made my way to the performing arts building and I went inside as quietly as possible. I softly went down the hallway the music getting louder and soon I heard singing coming from the music room. I leaned against the door and just listened to his angelic voice and the soft strumming of the guitar.

So long to all my friends Everyone of them met tragic ends

With every passing day

Id be lying if I didnt say

That I miss them all tonight

And if they only knew what I would say

If I could be with you tonight

I would sing you to sleep

Never let them take the light behind your eyes

One day Ill lose this fight

As we fade in the dark

Just remember you will always burn as bright

Be strong and hold my hand

Time—it comes for us, youll understand

Well say goodbye today

And I'm sorry how it ends this way

If you promise not to cry

Then Ill tell you just what I would say

If I could be with you tonight

I would sing you to sleep

Never let them take the light behind your eyes

Ill fail and lose this fight

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