Brallon- Truth or Dare

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Brendan's POV

"TRUTH OR DARE! KENNY, GO!" I yell way too excited. 

"Jesus, calm down Brendan. Truth." Kenny says, a bit discombobulated from my screaming. We're on tour again so are we out partying? Maybe a few meet and greets with fans? Nope. We're stuck out in the middle of no where sitting in a circle on the floor playing Truth or Dare. Not that I'm complaining, I love the boys. Dan and Kenny. Dallon. Expecially Dallon. Oh how I love that boy. What, no!

"Are you gay?" I ask, already half knowing the answer. "Honest!"

"Yes!" He responds, confidently. (A/n Is he. I was looking it up and I couldn't find it so I don't actually know if he is.) 

"Cool." I wasn't expecting such confidence. 

"Dallon, Truth or Dare?" Kenny says, a look of mischief gleaming in his eye. 

"Dare! I'm no w-weiner dog..?" Dallon says with a questioning look as we snicker at his odd choice of words. 

"Alright then, Pomeranian, pick the hottest one out of all of us then take them into the closet and play seven minutes in heavan." Kenny giggles. 

"Ok but everyone closes their eyes and doesn't open them for seven minutes and nobody will know who was chosen." Dallon negotiates, smirking a bit. We all nod and shut our eyes. 

Dallon's POV

Oh. OH. OHHHH! I know exactly who I'm going to pick. Mr. Brendan over here. I've liked him for years now and now I can tell him. Or show him. Once all their eyes were closed, I walked around the circle a but before stopping at Brendan, who was fidgeting a lot. I stopped and grabbed his arm. He opened his eyes and looked up shocked as I dragged him along inside of the nearest closet. It wasn't very big, but that's ok. I pushed him up against the door I just closed and locked, before kissing him roughly. He seems hesitant at first but relaxes a bit before  melting into it. 

Kenny's POV

Once I hear the door close I peek my eyes open, noticing Dan did the same as we made eye contact. We laughed before we noticed that Brendan was chosen. 

"Finally!" Dan sighs. "They'll get together." 

Brendan's POV

Oh my god. Senpai chose me! His hands lay on my waist as mine are on his shoulders. We've been kissing for a while now, probably past seven minutes. Dallon was the first to pull away, due to a ringing in his pocket. He looks at the timer then back at me. 

"Screw timers." he says before kissing me again. A few seconds later Kenny bangs on the door. 

"Come on guys it's been like nine minutes by now." 

"Screw you Kenny." Dallon yells before kissing me again. 

"Dallon will you go out with me." I ask as he pulls away. He smiles gently at me.

"I would love to." 


This is what I do at midnight. 

Alright, Night guys. 


One-shot bookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon