Crankiplier -Vidcon

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Heyo! So this is may or not be a definite ship in the book. I'm not really sure yet but I would like to know what you guys think so I wrote a one-shot and if you want me to write more comment down below. Ok enjoy!


Mark's POV

"Teamiplier FALL IN!" I yell in a goofy tone to emphasize the informal-ness of this meeting. We were all backstage of our panel at Vidcon waiting for the word to tell us to go on. Everyone's heads turn towards me and they all grudgingly march towards me, my boyfriend standing next to me. He smirks slightly when I look at him. God, am I lucky to have him. I don't stare too long because I always get teased by Tyler. I look around the five of us, what a great group of people. "Ok, so today is it. We've been practicing all year-"

"Mark this isn't a football game, it's the opposite. It's vidcon." Tyler grunts. Ethan looks at the ground, looking like he's almost asleep. I don't bring it up now because I know the boy hates when I worry about him, but how can I not? He's my little boy....he also hates when I call him that.

"SHUT UP TYLER!" I accidently yell louder than I should and Ethan yelps and shoots up, everyone in our huddle laugh at his adorableness. I shoot him a questioningly concerned look and he just smiles and shrugs, laughing with the rest of the gang.

"Tired Ethan?" Amy wraps her arm around his shoulders, rubbing his hand up and down his forearm. A wave of jealousy rushes through my body and is apparently shown in my face because Amy gives me a devilish grin and kisses his cheek. That's it. I take his hand and pull him closer to me and out of amy's grasp with a slight growl. "Awww, I was just trying to help." She says in her innocent voice.

"You may be my stage girlfriend but that diddly don't mean you can steal my boyfriend." I joke and laugh but they all know I mean it. Ethan smiles and puts his head in my neck as I protectively warp my arms around his waist. "Ok anyways back to the topic at hand, let's run through the agenda. SO first we are doing a few skits and then Q and A, then me and Ethan are coming out, then maybe and this is just a suggestion, maybe we could end off with do not laugh?" I say, questioning the end but a bit giddy to see everyone's reactions to us coming out.

"Wait Mark take a step back. You and little boy are coming out?!" Wade jumps around excitedly. Everyone's cheering and congratulating us but Ethan just kinda smiles and looks down, blushing alot. He's been excited about this moment for a really long time. I remember lying in bed with him as we talked about our future, he always liked the idea of coming out. 2

"By the way, Wade, for your information I am tall!" Ethan retorted confronting Wade. The only problem is once Ethan walked in front of him, he had to crane his neck just to meet his eyes.

"All right whatever you say Eth." Wade said and ruffled his hair. That's when the stage manager comes in to inform us that we had 30 second until we had to be on stage. And after a panic of getting everyone their microphone and the world's quickest make out session with Ethan the audience was counting down, 3, 2, 1.

"Hello Everybody!"

"What is up ma Cranky Crew!"

"Hey bobbleheads Muyskerm here!"

"Hey guys!" We all say our intros at the exact same time. Then we all look at each other.

"How dare you all interrupt my perfectly good intro." I yell jokingly.

"Whatever Mark." Tyler comes out with Amy and Katherine. We were so busy arguing over whose intro was spoiled that we barely realized the audience sitting right in front of us.

"Oh hi guys." I say after a while. We start the skits and they actually turned out to be pretty funny. I was a little nervous about the Q and A, though. Everyone always asks about septiplier and I can tell it makes Ethan a little uncomfortable and upset and I hate seeing him upset. "Ok Q and A time before a special annoucement." I announce. I notice Ethan and Wade had sat down on the couch and started mindlessly chatting. "Eh! Eth and Wade time for Q and A!" I yell, jealousy laced in my voice. Why am I always so jealous. I need to work on that. They laugh and get up to the front of the stage ass the first question was asked. A little later the questions started to get weird but no septiplier it was Tythan. I hated it so much.

"Uh, A question for Tyler. Do you love Ethan?" a fangirl asks, at this point I have to walk around the stage to blow off a little steam.

"No. He's like a little brother to me and I don't like him in that way." Tyler answers. I think Ethan started to get uncomfortable with the whole situation too, because by the time the next famgirl comes up he and Bob are having another full on conversation.

"Ethan a question for you. Are you gay?" He looked speechless like he didn't know what to say. He looked down and stuttered for a bit.

"I-uh, um, I-I don-, um." He takes a step back and everyone starts talking to try and help him. Too be honest, when it comes to serious questions, we all know that Ethan doens't know how to respond. He's so young and small and we all feel the need to protect him, I guess.

"He doesn't have to-"

"Not those types of que-"

"Next per-" They all tripped over each other to try and give him a hand but I guess it's time. I make my way over to the small boy, handing my mic to Tyler on the way. He gives me a reassuring pat because I am nervous as hell at the moment. I snake my hand around his waste and dip him back. He's startled at first but then he smiles, probably relieved that it's finally happening. I gently press my lips against his, ignoring the cheers, hollars, and whoops coming from our friends and the audience. I pull away and pull him up with me. I keep my arm around his waist as I take back my microphone from a still cheering Tyler.

"So yeah we're both gay and me and Ethan are together." I said before kissing him again. The rest of the time went fast. We went back to the same crap we do everyday. The do not laugh didn't go as expected. We had a touching allowance rule this time. First and last time for everything, I guess. "Ok so that's all we got time for today guys, we hope you had fun, buh-bye!" after everyone else said goodbye we waved as we all made our way off stage. The second we got off I attacked Ethan's lips and it took him a second but he kissed back wrapping his arms around my necks as I pulled him in by his waist.

"Hey! Save it for the bedroom." Bob laughs and nudges me more forcefully than I think he thought he did, making me lurchforward against Ethan's lips making him arch backward probably really uncomfortably. I pull away and he groans as I notice where his foot was. It was pressed against the corner of the wall and when I lurched forward it probably twisted really hard. "Oh crap are you guys ok? Sorry I didn't mean to push you that hard." Bob apologizes, putting his hand on Ethan's back.

"Ethan are you ok?!" I asked, worridly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He giggles. "Let's go back to the hotel." We say our goodbyes to everyone as we make our way to my rental. He gets in the passengers seat and immediately presses his head against the window and closes his eyes, but just as I sat down he grbbed my hand with his eyes still closed and in that position we stayed the whole way there.


Alright so that was long, I'm sorry. It's late at night and I can't sleep so I'm going to write another story after this too. BUt let me know what you guys think of adding crankiplier into the book.

Have a great night guys!


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