I park in a spot and turn to Aubrey who is asleep. Oh crap, what am I going to do now? I look at my clock and see that I am early. Sighing I lean into my seat.  I turn around, “Aubrey sweetie.” She turns a little bit and mumbles.

I pick up my phone and call Trish, “Hello?” “Trish, can you come to the doctors for a few minutes.” I hear a sigh, “Ally, I am suppose to be going to meet my mom.” I sigh and lean back in my seat, “Ally, whats wrong? Are you okay?” I sigh, “Aubrey feel asleep in the back seat and I need to go get the check up done.” Trish sighs, “I will be there in five minutes.” “Thank you.”

I lean back in my seat and breathe. Maybe I do need help more than I would like to admit. Maybe I need to talk to Alex because I really am going to need help and Austin wont be home for a little over a month.

I see Trish pull in and I smile and get out of my car. She parks next to me and gets out hugging me. “Wow, you are big.” I laugh, “I know.” She smiles and looks into the back seat. “She is getting so big.” I nod, “I know. I look at my phone and sigh, “She is asleep, just sit in my car for a few minutes with her please.” Trish smiles, “Of course hon.” Trish opens the door and gets in and I make my way to the door.

I walk in and sign in. A sit down and a few minutes later I am called back. I climb up into the bed and sit down just as Doctor Harper walks in. “Hey Ally.” She looks up and smiles, “Oh my, look at you. You are so big. Seven months already.” I laugh and place my hands on my stomach, “ I know I am huge.” She smiles and walks over and get the machine ready. I lay down and she put the gel on and uses the wand to find the baby. “Here is the little guy. He looks great. Oh wait.” She hits a few buttons and then looks at me and then my chart. “What’s wrong? Is he okay?” She turns and smiles, “Its nothing like that. He is fine. I just think he is turning. Give me a second.” She presses some buttons and then she hands me a wipe and I wipe the gel off.

I try to get up and she laughs and helps me sit up. I look at her and she smiles then looks at me and sighs, “Ally, I think the baby is trying to turn to get ready for birth. It looks like he is already almost in place and he shouldn’t be. I think you are going to come early Ally.” I sigh and look down. “Is there anything I can do?” She nods and looks down, “I think you need to relax and try to not stand to much or to long. Actually if you ask me I would like you to really take it easy in bed for a few weeks.” I nod and she hands me the pictures, “I want to see you again in two weeks. He looks really healthy though.”

She leaves and I walk out and schedule the appointment for two weeks. I walk out the door and Trish sees me coming and get out. “How is he?” I smile, “Healthy and looking great only she thinks he is going to come early.” She gasps a little, “Wow, how early?” I shrug and she hugs me and places her hands on my stomach and bends down and smiles at me, “You need to bake little one, so stay in.” I laugh and hug her again before she goes to get in her car.

I get in and look back and see Aubrey still asleep. I press the button on my steering wheel and say, “Call Alex.” I hear ringing as I pull out of the parking lot, “Ally?” I sigh, “Alex, can you meet me at my house?” “Umm.. sure.” “Thanks.” I hang up and press the button again calling Austin. “Ally?” “Austin, we need to talk.” “ I am getting hair done.” “Dr. Harper thinks the baby is turning and getting ready to come.” I hear something fall, “Austin?” “What?!” I sigh, “Yeah, she also thinks I should take a couple weeks and be in bed.”  I hear him sigh, “umm… I don’t know what to do baby.” I sigh, “I called Alex to help me get Aubrey out of the car because she fell asleep. Austin, I think I may need him to stay over for a couple weeks.” I hear a sigh and then something I never expected to hear, “Maybe he should stay until I get home.”

Sooo sorry I didn’t update lately. My moms birthday came up and I have until Friday July 4th; her birthday, to make her a scarf. I have been working on it like crazy.

I also got addicted to the The Harry Potter Books. I have watched some of the movies before meaning, the first one and Deathly Hallows part one and two. I have been reading the books and watching all the movies.

Also, I didn’t know where to go with the story from where I left it. I needed to think. Anyway, I hope you liked it.

ALSO, GOOD NEWS;; I GOT ALL OF MY CLASSES THIS SEMESTER ONLINE, meaning when I am bored I will be on the computer anyway and I can write chapters. I plan to update, I just don’t know if it will be in a couple days or not.

Please review

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now