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I look at Jimmy and shake my head, “I have no say in this apparently so fine.” I get up and walk away.  I get in my car and see the time and cuss. “I can not be late.” I rush home and grab my cap and gown and open the mailbox and grab what is inside throwing in the passenger seat. Backing out I drive as fast as I can to the school.


I park next to Alex’s jeep and Trish’s and Dez’s car with just a few minutes to spare. I reach over and grab the mail and flip through and see a letter from The University of Miami. I look at it then take a breath in and open the letter. I unfold it and skim it and see the words I wanted. Congratulations and accepted. I smile and grab my cap and gown and run to the front of the school.


I stop and put my gown on and slip my cap over my hair and open the door to the school and run down the hallway to the auditorium. I get there and see everyone across in the gym lined up to walk down the isles. I see Ally and Alex in front of the doors. I smile and Ally wraps her arms around me, “You are late.” I shrug, “I am so sorry. I am here now.” I kiss her head and hear the principle, “Line up. We walk in three minutes.” I kiss Ally quickly and walk to my spot.


I see Ally then a girl named Becky and then Trish. People are in front of me then I have a guy behind me then Alex. Alex has a girl behind him and a girl then Dez. Brooke is in the very front. Ally looks back at me and I smile. I lean down and zip my gown up and we get the cue and start walking out of the gym and into the auditorium to our seats.


The speeches go on and on. I see Ally paying attention and smile at how she loves school. Some lady gets up and smiles, “Hello graduates. Today is the end of your high school life but it is not the end. Today is the beginning of a new life and a new adventure. You are everything and today you proved that you can do it. I don’t want to talk a lot so I want to say congratulations and good luck and I would like to end with a quote by someone you guys a sure to know. You grew up with him and I am sure you loved him. “ She reaches and puts on a Dr. Seuss hats. “Today is your day. Your off to great places. You’re off and away.” She smiles and walks back to her chair.


Our valedictorian comes up and smiles, “I do not know all of you,  I know very few.  I do know that we have all grown up in this place. We have changed and grew from when we first ended these halls. We have soulja boyed, we have doggied, we have danced and did stupid things. We have partied. I know we have all sung songs like, Blurred Lines, What Makes You Beautiful, Happy, and Best Day of My life. I heard people singing Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball and Frozen’s  Let It Go.  We may not all know each other but in a way we were all together through these four years.  We may not know this pop star personality but in years to come we have the privilege to say we went to high school with Austin Moon.” She stops and smiles at me. “Where we are today is an honor.  I want to say congratulations and good luck. Your Future is bright and I cannot wait to see you in ten years and see all the great things that is to come to you. I want to say have a great summer and end with a lyric from our own Austin Moon because in a few years, ‘Your gonna make make make them do a double take!’” She smiles and I stand up and clap and so does Ally, Trish, Dez, and Alex. We sit down and she smiles at us.


The principle comes to the stand and smiles at everyone and then back at the group of speakers. “Thank you guys for speaking and Thank you all for coming out tonight. We are here to honor these amazing students who worked so hard and deserve this day for themselves.” 

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now