Something is wrong.

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It has been a couple of days since everything at the hospital. Ally has been sleeping in the guest room and me on the couch. I keep meaning to walk up the steps to my room but my ribs still hurt and the couch is just closer. Ally and I really haven’t had time to talk. She has been in the kitchen with homework or working on the baby’s room. I only move from the couch for food and the bathroom. I am sitting on the couch watching some weird show that is on. I see Ally come sit down by me and I take the opportunity to talk with her.

“Ally?” she turns and looks at me. ”Yeah.” “How is everything? We haven’t talked in days and I miss my Ally and Austin time.” She sighs and turns a little towards me, “Austin, I’m sorry. I have just been busy trying to stay ahead in school and making sure everything is ready for the baby.” “But Ally, we still over a month till the baby is here.” She laughs a little, “Austin, remember the doctor said I might come early and we have our eight month checkup in a week.” I sigh, “Yeah, she will be here soon.” I know I should be happy but I am getting a little sad. How much will things change? Will it be for the better or worse? I hope everything will be okay.

“Hey, Ally. Why have you been sleeping in the guest room?” “My feet and back hurt and it is just getting to be a little too much to walk up those steps when I am that tired.” I nod and turn back to the TV. Grabbing her hand I start to play with her ring. “Ally, when do you want to get married?” She was taking a sip of soda and almost spit it out but did a coughing fit instead. “W-what?” “When do you want to get married?” “Austin, umm… We are young. I think we should wait. Plus I am eight months pregnant; I don’t want to walk down the aisle looking like a whale.” I turn to her all the way and grab her hands, “Ally, you look beautiful. Don’t stress it was just a question.” She turns to me and looks into my eyes. I don’t know what she found there but she smiles, “Maybe after the baby is born and I don’t need to be with her all the time.” I smile and lean in to peck her lips I didn’t expect her to deepen the kiss. When we pull away for much needed air I know I have a stupid grin on my face. Ally just laughs and gets up before going upstairs.

Later that night I hear the doorbell and decide to just yell, “Come in.” I hear, “Austin, Where are you?” I laugh at the stupid that is Dez. “Living room, Dez.” I see him come in with a box of pizza and movies. I smile and he comes over to sit next to me. “Where baby and mommy?” I just laugh because he is so weird. “Upstairs.” “Mommy I brought food for you and baby.” I laugh and see Ally come down the steps with a big smile on her face and runs and hugs Dez. “You are amazing Dez. I love you.” She gives him a kiss on the cheek and grabs the small box of pizza and leaves again. “Austin, I am not trying to take Ally. I will have a talk with her about that kiss.” Laughing I finally manage, “Movie.” He laughs and puts in some new horror movie. I see Ally come in and sit in one of our lazy boys with her pizza. About 10 minutes into the movie she screams and Dez runs over to help her up so she can leave. I wish she would have came over to me and hid in my chest.

When the movie is over Dez leaves after our handshake and I make my way upstairs to where Ally ran off too.

Ally’s Pov…

I hear someone coming in and look to see Austin. He has a smile on his face when he takes in the room. I am sitting in the floor with stuff all around me. “Ally, what are you doing?” “Organizing everything.” He comes over and sits with me, “Honey, I don’t think the baby will know if he toys are not organized or her clothes.” I reach over and slap him before laughing, “I know I just want everything to be perfect.” He moves closer and I lean into him, “It will be baby.” We sit like that for awhile before I realize I am getting tired. “Austin, I am going to bed.” He nods and gets up putting his hand out while I laugh. “I don’t know.” He tilts his head in a challenging way and I put my hand in his. In one swift movement I am on my feet and Austin look like her didn’t move an inch. We make our ways to our room and when I finally get in bed I am not tired.

“Austin, I’m not tired anymore.” He laughs and sits up and I am able to without any problems. Don’t ask me how, it is weird its like it depends on angles on whether you can get up or not.  He starts to rub my belly and sing. With a smile I lay back down and soon I am falling asleep to his soft movements and lovely voice.

When I wake up I realize something is wrong. I feel the baby bump and start to rub it getting a kick. I see Austin asleep like a baby. Everything seems okay but I know something is not right. Something is wron

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now