What is this?

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After collecting myself I look at the time and slam my hand on the wheel, “Shit, I need to get home.” I start the car and drive to a pizza place and order a pepperoni pizza and a pizza with everything and cheesy bread sticks. After paying I wait for the food. I know Austin will start to worry soon, so I pull my phone out and call him. “Hello?” I laugh, “Baby, where are you?” I laugh again, “Getting the food.” He sighs, “Okay, well Aubrey got up hungry so I’m feeding her.” “Okay, thank you. I will be home soon.” “I love you.” “I love you too.”

Grabbing the food I walk to my car and put it in the passenger’s seat and get on my side then start driving. I see a redbox and I pull into the parking lot and look through the movies. I get the movie Delivery Man where he has over 500 kids and I also get The Switch with Jennifer Aniston.  I sigh hopping Austin will understand, that both these movies may be funny but they deal with kids and pregnancy.

I pull up to the house and sigh before grabbing the food with the movies on top and walk to the door and open it to hear running. “What’s going on?” I lower the boxes and see Aubrey running and Austin chasing her, “Aubrey, you need to get dressed.” “No.” I look closer and see Aubrey in her diaper. I sigh and put the boxes on the kitchen table and walk back in and whistle. They both stop and stare at me, “Aubrey get dressed now. Austin, seriously? ” He shrugs while he dresses Aubrey in her pjs.  

Shaking my head I walk back into the kitchen and feel arms go around me as I start to put the pizza on plates. “That looks good.” I smile, “I know. I’m so hungry.” He laughs and pulls me away from the pizza and spins me before kissing me. “So what did the doctor say?” I turn back around because I can’t lie to him, I’m horrible at lying. I shrug, “Nothing.”  I grab my pizza and head into the living room and sit down.

Austin walks in with his plate and the movies, “You got movies?” I nod and he smiles before putting one in.  We are watching Delivery Man and Austin is laughing. I look over see he is really into the movie. I sigh and get up and go back for more cheesy bread. I sit back down and see the movie is over. Austin looks over at me and smiles, “That was a good movie, man I can’t believe he fathered so many kids.”
 I nod and he gets up and put the other one in.

I look over and see Austin is looking confused. I hope he gets it. “Ally, why does she want a kid so bad?” I shrug, “Some people want kids and they want them before they get to old.” He nods and goes back to the movie. He starts laughing again and I sigh, He is not going to get it.

The movie ends and I look over and see Aubrey out cold. I smile and pick her up and take her to her room. I set her in her bed and smile, “You are so cute. I love you baby girl with everything I am.” I smile and sit in the rocker in her room and just think.


I don’t understand why Ally chose these movies. They were funny but what was with the whole baby thing. Is she feeling blue? Does she want a baby? Oh, I get it she wants a baby and this was her way of telling me. Am I ready for another kid? I sit down and think.

I don’t think I am ready for another kid yet. I know I wanted one so bad but maybe now is not the best time. Ally did make a good point we are 18 with one kid do we want to be 19 with two. I shrug, I would do anything for Ally and if she wants a kid this bad, I will give it to her. I mean another me and her running around would be cool. Maybe I could get a boy.

I sigh, But what about College. I don’t get it. She was against the baby until now, what happened? I must be missing something. I really don’t think I want a kid right now, especially since everything just got good with me and Ally again. A baby could ruin that.  I don’t want to bring a baby in when we still aren’t strong enough.

Sighing I walk upstairs after putting everything away. I walk into Aubrey’s room and see Ally in the rocker, I smile then I remember I wanted to send Ally this cute picture of Aubrey I took. I grab my phone and send it to her, “Hey let’s go to bed.” She nods and I help her up and we walk into our bedroom.

I change and so does Ally, I am about to get in bed when I remember the picture, “Ally, did you get that picture?” She looks around then shrugs, “No, I don’t remember where I put my phone.” I laugh and she puts on a pair of short and a tank top and I slip on a pair of sweats and we start looking for her phone.

It wasn’t in our room so I take the living room and she takes the kitchen. I didn’t find her phone so I walk into the kitchen, “Ally, I didn’t find it.” She sits up and sighs, “Me either.” Maybe I left it in the car or Aubrey’s room. I smile, “I’ll check the car, you check Aubrey’s room.” She smiles and heads up the stairs.

I grab her keys off the table by the door and walk outside and unlock the door. Knowing her it is probably on the passenger seat. I open the door and it’s not there. I check under the seat and feel something hard and something wrinkly. I pull out the hard thing and see her phone. Smiling I look at it and then I reach back under the seat wondering what was under there. Ally keeps her car spotless, she wouldn’t have anything laying around.

I feel my hand touch it and I wrap my fingers around it and pull my hand out. I look at what is in my hand and it is small and white and glossy. That’s weird. I open it up and see an Ultra sound. I laugh, “Aubrey’s.” I look at it again because it is so tiny, it must be one of the first ones. I look at the bottom and see It says Allyson Dawson, 1/4/14.

Wait, that’s today’s date. Oh my god. I close her door and walk up to Aubrey’s room to see Ally staring out the window. “What is this?!”

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