I need a break.

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It has been a week since everything at the hospital. Senior year is actually fun. Well besides being a teenage mom and having an ex- fiancée who is over protective and not being able to go anywhere. I love my life and my family it is just, I don’t like how everyone talks about everything fun they did and when they ask me I just stare and say, “Had my daughter to focus on.” Or, “I took care of my daughter.” I love my family but I want to have a senior year too. I want to go to prom and go on the senior trip but I don’t think I can do any of that and it is a little depressing.

I think Austin has picked up on me not being my happy self and he has picked up on Jessie trying to hang out with me like everything. I have picked up on the mood between those two and I hate it.

Walking into my house I slump on the couch and sigh. Drifting off into sleep I feel relaxed when I hear my phone going off. “Ugh, five minutes is all I want.” I answer without looking, “what?” I hear a laugh, “Geez, someone is mad. “Ugh Jessie again. “What can I do for you Jessie?” He laughs again, “I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me.” I sit back down on the couch getting comfy. “No, sorry I don’t want to do anything.” I hear a sigh, “But I thought we were getting close.” I sit up again, “Jessie, I just want to spend time by myself before my daughter gets here.” He sighs then I swear I could hear his smile, “I got a plan, you relax and I will come over and help with your kid.” I huff, “Jessie, no. Go out with your football friends or something.” He sighs, “I only want to help. I came to the hospital that night to help and I just want to help now.” I laugh mad, “Get this through your head. I don’t want help. If I do need or want help I have Austin, who is my baby’s dad. I also have my friends who Aubrey knows. I don’t need or want your help.” I hear a sigh, “Fine, I guess I read you wrong.” I laugh, “You did.” I hang up and try to relax again.

As I am drifting off to sleep again I hear my doorbell. “Are you freaking kidding me?” I get up and swing the door open, “What!?” I see Austin holding in a laugh, “I forgot my key.” I sigh and let him in. He puts Aubrey down and comes to me on the couch. Sitting down he grabs my hand, “Are you okay Ally?” I nod then I shake my head, “No I’m not. I’m tired and Jessie won’t leave me alone. I just want a break. I need a break.” I lay my head in my hands and I feel Austin get up and a couple minutes later he comes back and makes me look at him. “Ally, hey.” I look up and he smiles, “I got you a break.” I look at him confused. “Actually I got us a break. Because I am stressed out to the max.” I stare at him again and he laughs, “Okay, one Alex is gonna handle Jessie. Two my mom is gonna watch Aubrey for the rest of the week and Three me and you are going on a vacation.” I hear vacation of throw myself of Austin hugging him and kissing his cheek. “Thank you, thank you, and thank you.” He laughs and sets me next to him.

After a couple minutes the laughing quits, “Not that I didn’t like that but, you’re welcome. Ally anytime you need something ask me. I am Aubrey’s dad. I also know what it feels like to be a teen parent especially to Aubrey. I know what you are going through. Talk to me.” I nod and lay on his shoulder yawning. “When do we leave?” he laughs and moves a little and it makes me all the more comfortable. “We leave tonight.” I nod and start to fall asleep. “Thank you Baby.”

Austin’s Pov…

Did Ally just call me Baby? Nah, she was tired she probably didn’t know what she was talking about. I move and lay her head on the couch and cover her up. I grab Aubrey and take her upstairs and pack her little suitcase. When I have everything she will need, I grab her and her stuff and get back in my car. Driving to my mom’s house my car tells me I have a call. I hear it is from Alex and answer. “Hey man, what’s up?” I laugh, “Alex, what did he say?” I hear a laugh, “I took care of it. Ally already handles enough between you and Aubrey she doesn’t need a jerk trying to be there for her and trying to guilt her just to try and have sex with her.” I nod, “I hate that guy. I mean I know you want her too but you respect her and I appreciate you for that.” He laughs, “Man, if she didn’t love you so much. I would have had her.” I nod, “I know, I want my family back and that jerk won’t ruin it.” I hear a laugh, “Don’t worry bout him. He was crying when I got done with him. He was all, “I won’t touch her.” “I won’t go near her.” “Please, I don’t like her. Please let me go.” “I have other girls. Please.” I was laughing so hard when I got done. I had to kick him a little more just to get it out.” I laugh as I pull into my mom’s house. “Hey, I just got to my mom’s. Get mine and Ally’s work for us. I will see you in a week.” He laughs, “have fun, and no baby making.”

Laughing I grab Aubrey and take her to the door where my mom has ran out and hugged us. “Oh my babies.” I laugh and hand her Aubrey. “I have to go pack mom. I love you.” “I love you too sweetie.” I kiss Aubrey and tell her I love her before getting back to Ally’s house. I texted her dad and Trish and let them know we are leaving for a week.

I am just now finishing packing Ally’s clothes when I hear something fall. I walk downstairs with the suitcases and see Ally getting off the floor. “Hey sleepy head.” She smiles and looks around, “where’s Aubrey?” I smile and go reach for her, “At my moms. I already packed your stuff. Go get ready we leave in half an hour for the airport.” She smiles and leaves.

Twenty minutes late Ally is standing in front of me freshly showered and dressed. In yoga pants, a hoodie, and no makeup I have never see her more beautiful. We are about to head to the air port when Ally grabs my hand, “Austin where are we going?” I smile and turn towards her, “Hawaii. “ She squeals and jumps over the seat on me, “I love you so much.” With that she crashes her lips to mine.

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin