I want to take you out.

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I wake up and see Alex laying on my chest and I smile. Moving away from him I go Aubrey’s room and pick her up and take her downstairs and feed her. She seems so happy today and I don’t know why but I like it. “What’s up baby girl?” She looks at me weird and I laugh, “Are you okay?” She nods and smiles before getting down and running to the stairs. I turn and see Alex there. She is hugging his legs. He smiles and picks her up, “What are you doing little one?” She smiles and kisses him, “Wove you.” His eyes widen and then he looks at me shocked.  I look at Aubrey and smile because she is learning so much.

Alex is still looking at me with wide eyes. I look at his eyes and I can see he is asking me what to do. I smile and nod. HE smiles and looks down at Aubrey, “Well, I love you too little one.” She smiles big and wraps her arms around his neck. He puts her down and she runs into the living room to play with her toys.

Alex walks over to me and kisses me, “I’m sorry I didn’t know what to do.” I nod, “Its okay. I’m happy she loves you so much.” He smiles and sits next to me. “Ally, I have to go home, but can I take you out tonight?” I look around and smile, “yeah, I will see if Austin will watch Aubrey.”  He smiles and gives me a kiss before walking to the kitchen doorway and smiling, “AUBREY.” She comes running and he picks her up and spins her, “ I have to go home. So you be good for your mommy and I will see you later little one.” She kisses his cheek then nod, “I will.” He smiles and puts her down before walking out the door.

I put Aubrey down for her nap and call Austin. “Hey Ally, whats up?” I smile, “Hey Alex wanted to take me out tonight and I was wondering if you would watch Aubrey.” “Of course. Do you want me to come there or do you want to bring her to me?” I look around and smile, “How about I bring her to you and you can keep her for a couple days. Have some daddy and daughter time” I can hear the smile in his voice when he agrees, “That would be amazing.” I smile, “Well, I’m going to go pack her bag and I will see you soon.” “Okay.”

Hanging up I go shower and I feel instantly better. Coming out I realize I have no idea where Alex is taking me. I grab my phone and send a text, Hey where are you taking me?

I put my robe on and look at my clothes when I hear my phone go off.
It’s a surprise.

I laugh and still have no idea what to wear.
But I don’t know what to wear.

I get a reply back and I smile
You always look beautiful whatever you wear will be fine. Just wear something comfortable.

I smile and look through my clothes again trying to decide what to wear.

I hear Aubrey and go and check on her and see that she is making noises in her sleep. I laugh and head back into my room and decide on a sparkly blue dress that comes about mid thigh and some black heels. Hopefully wherever we go it wont be too dressed up. 

Looking at the time I decide I should probably get Aubrey’s bag ready. I walk into Aubrey’s room and start to pack her some clothes and toys. I pack her some bath things. I walk downstairs and get her out some food and formula for bottles. I get out some bottles and a spoon. 

I walk back upstairs and see Aubrey standing there. I smile, “Hey baby, do you want to spend time with Daddy?” She smiles big and nods, “Daddy?” I nod and pick her up and let her play with her toys while I grab anything else she may need. “Come on baby,” Putting my hand out she grabs it and we head downstairs.

She runs and plays with her dolls while I pack her food and everything. I look to the clock and see it is already five. “Aubrey are you ready to go?” she comes running into the kitchen and hugs my legs, “Yes.” I giggle and grab her bag and my phone and keys and grab her hand  as we walk out to the car.

She wanted to help with the car seat again and I laughed at how much better she was getting with it. I get in the car and it takes me a second to get the use of the pedals with my heels on. When I did I pull out and head to Austin’s apartment.

“Aubrey, you ready to see your dad?” She smiles and starts bouncing. I laugh and grab her bag and help her out of the car then I help her to the apartment. I knock on the door and wait for Austin to answer.  When he does his eyes go wide and he looks me over then Aubrey shouts, “DADDA.” I laugh and he picks her up and kisses her cheek. “Hey princess.” She hugs him and he smiles. “Hey Ally.” I smile back at him, “Hi Austin.” He looks me over again, “You look amazing.” I blush a little, “Thanks. I don’t know where we are going yet. DO you think it is too much?” He shakes his head, “No. Not at all.” I smile and hug him, “Thanks.” I lean over and kiss Aubrey, “Mommy loves you and I will see you in a couple days.” She nods and Austin puts her down and she runs into the apartment. “Well here is her stuff. If you need anything call.” He nods and hugs me before I head back to my car and leave.

I arrive back at my house and walk in and do my hair in curls and my makeup matches the dress. I hear the doorbell and laugh. I walk down and open it and Alex’s eyes go wide as he looks at me. “Wow, Ally you look so beautiful, like always.” I smile as he leans in and kisses me. “So where are you taking me?” He smiles an spins me around, “Well I figured we would go out to dinner than maybe go to a club and dance.” I smile huge, “Really?” He nods and I jump up and hug him. He laughs before taking me to his jeep.

I look at it and he smiles, “This reminds me of the first time.” I laugh and he shakes his head, “DO you want to take your car?” I laugh, “It’s fine, just help me up.” He smiles and nods before grabbing my hips and helping me into the car.  We drive for awhile and then he smiles, “were here.” I smile and he helps me out of the car and into this amazing restaurant. I look around and see we are at a Japanese steak house. I smile and he leads me in.  After he checks us in the waitress leads us to our table.

The food was amazing. We walk back to the car with our left over’s and he smiles as he helps me back up into the jeep. He leans over and kisses me when we get back in. He starts to drive again and when he stops in front of this club I feel so happy. I smile and he kisses me before getting out and helping me out. “Well, lets go dance.” I laugh as he grabs my hand and leads me into the club.

Austin and Ally- Love Comes Aroundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن