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I am sitting by the pool looking at the small movements of the water under my feet. I smile and start thinking. Austin and I a few months back decided to send in applications to colleges and just see what happens, well today one of his came in. I didn’t open it but I am nervous. The envelope says it is from Columbia University in New York. What if he got it and accepts it? I never applied anywhere in New York. Are we going to be separated? What about the kids? What about us?

“Ally?” I turn and see Austin in the doorway smiling, “What are you doing sweetie?” I sigh and look back at the water. I feel someone sit next to me and grab my hand. I look up at him and he looks worried. “What’s wrong baby?” I sigh and look down, “A college letter came today from Columbia University… for you.” I look up and he looks at the water, “Baby that was a college the counselor said would be good for me.”  I smile and turn and look at him.

“Austin I know we both applied to colleges and we don’t know to where but like I mentioned before what are we going to do? I never thought you would want to go to college and that surprised me but in a good way. However, what if we go to different schools? What about the kids? What about us?” Austin grabs my hand and places his other hand on the side of my face. “Ally, I love you more than anything and I love Aubrey with all my heart. This other baby is going to be the same way. This family means so much to me and I don’t want to mess it up but Ally, we will just have to hope we applied to schools close together or to the same one and got in.”

I smile and then frown, “What if we didn’t?” he smiles, “Then we will figure something out, I promise.” I nod and he stands up and puts his hand out, “Let’s go see if I got in.” He leans down and helps me up.  He grabs my hand and we walk into the kitchen and over to the counter where I left the letter.

He lets go of my hand and opens the letter. He reads a few things then sets it down. I look at him and he gives nothing away, “Austin?” He smiles, “I got in.” I smile and hug him, “I really am proud of you.” He kisses me and lets me go. “I promise baby we will be together.” I nod against his chest.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am sitting on the couch while Austin and Aubrey are in the kitchen cooking. My phone goes off and I answer, “Hello?” “AHHH!” I laugh, “Trish, why are you screaming?” She breathes heavily, “I got into The University of Miami.” I smile, “That is great Trish I am so proud of you.” “No wait, I also got into The University of California.” I smile, “Trish that is really great, I am so proud of you.”  

Trish and I talked for a few more minutes and then we hung up and I walk into the kitchen to find Austin and Aubrey with flour all over them. “What happened in here?” They look at me wide eyed, “Umm…” “Mommy…” I laugh and look back at Austin, “Well…We were trying to make homemade cookies.” I laugh again and sit down, “Well… You guys have a mess to clean up.” They look around at the flour on the floor and then at me and they smile at each other before walking up to me and hugging me getting flour on me. I laugh and push them back some, “Well thank you guys but I you guys are still cleaning this up.” I get up and walk for the door, “Clean it up and we can go out for Chinese.”

I walk up the stairs and take my clothes off and put a pair of loose shorts and a tank top. I slip on flip flops and pull my hair into a pony tail. I walk back downstairs and look in the kitchen to see it almost cleaned back up. I sit on the couch and turn on Pretty Little Liars while I wait.

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now