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I look around and can’t decide what to do. Do I tell him or not? Ugh, I don’t want to lie to him. However why would he ever need to know.  I mean, its not like him knowing I had sex with Alex would be something he absolutely need to knows.

Ugh, I can’t decide. I look around and smile at him. He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Ally?” I raise my eyebrows. He sits up and stares at me, “Did something happen between you two?” I look around again. It’s not like he would ever find out if I lied.

I smile and start to shake my head but he saw something and went to it. He picks it up and reads it, Oh my god. Alex’s letter. I never put it away. He drops the letter and looks at me. “Ally?” I sigh and look down, “Ally, please tell me I am reading this wrong.” I shake my head. Austin falls to the bed and looks to the ground.

After a few minutes I crawl over to him and wrap my arms around him, “Austin?” He shrugs me off. I gasp and look down. He doesn’t want me to touch him. I look at him and feel the tears come to my eyes at his brush off of me. I sigh and crawl back over to my side of the bed.  

He gets up and looks at me, “Ally, you slept with Alex.” I nod and he shakes his head, “I need to hear you say it.” I sigh and look down, “I slept with Alex.” He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Ally, why? Did you have to do that to decide your feelings? Why would you do that?” I look up and see the hurt and sadness in his eyes and I feel so guilty. Austin sits down again and shakes his head, “when?” I sigh, “Night before my birthday.” His head drops lower.

He stands up and looks around, “I can’t believe this. Why did I even ask? I just wanted to know that nothing happened, I didn’t think it was this way.”  He shakes his head and looks at me, “Ally, you could be pregnant with his kid.” I look up shocked, “Austin.” He shakes his head, “No, it’s true.”

I sigh, “We used protection and even though that isn’t 100 percent it is still a pretty good percent. Plus.” I get up and grab my purse I pull it out and throw it at him, “I got on the pill.” Austin looks at it then at me shocked, “Is that why I couldn’t get you pregnant.” I sigh and shake my head, “Austin we were trying and we didn’t even try for Aubrey. I got on the pill right after you told me to figure everything out. The next day I got on it.”

He looks down then sighs, “Ally, Why?” I sigh knowing he is asking why I slept with Alex, “Austin, I don’t know. We went clubbing and something just clicked. I then heard your song on the radio and I felt bad for what happened. You were trying to win me back and I was just having fun being with someone safe.” He looks down, “just the once?” I nod and he looks at me.

He comes over and leans down in front of me, “Ally, I love you with all my heart. I am so sorry but you have to understand how much this hurts. I never wanted you with anyone else. I never wanted anyone else to touch you. I wanted me and you forever and always. I know I screwed that up but…” I rub his tear that fell. “Ally, all I can think about is another guy touching you the way I did. It hurts and honestly it breaks my heart.”

I look down and start to tear up at his openness and seeing him cry. “Ally, I don’t want this to get in the way of us. I want to move pass this but it’s going to take me a while.” I look up and see him all teary eyed and heart broken and my heart breaks at the sight.  “Are you breaking up with me?” He shakes his head quick, “No, no. I am just saying that it is going to take me a while to get over the fact that you slept with someone else. I love you Ally and I want to be with you.”

I smile a little and wipe his tears. “Austin, I love you more than anything. I can’t believe I was ever confused. You always had my heart and you always will. You said you would steal my heart and you did. Your songs and letter made me cry so much but it was because you became something I never expected. Austin you are the man I always wanted. There will never be anyone else for me. I’m yours forever and always.” He smiles a little and wraps his arms around me.

We lean in and kiss and then he pulls back, “Austin?” he looks up, “You didn’t do anything with anyone did you?” He smiles, “Ally, you are the only girl for me. I realize that now and I promise to be the best I can be.” I smile and pull him back to me and kiss him again. I feel those sparks I have always felt and the firs that just comes with his kisses. He wraps his hands in my hair and I melt into the kiss moaning. He smiles and rubs his hand up my side making me squirm. He giggles and keeps kissing me. When we pull back he smiles. “I know you Ally. I know what you like and I know what drives you crazy.”

I smile and put my hands in his hair and tug on the ends making him groan, I rub my fingers up and down his abs making him smile. I then lean in and kiss him neck finding his sweet spot immediately, “And I know you Austin. I know what drives you crazy.” He smiles and looks in my eyes, “Yeah you do.” I giggle as he kisses my neck, “Come on rock star. Bed time.” He whines but gets on his side.

He pulls me to him and kisses my hair, “I love you Ally and like I told you before our love is timeless and we will get through this. We will get through anything.” I smile and bring his hand up to mine and kisses it.  “I love you Austin.” I feel him smile and kiss my hair again.  “Goodnight Ally. I love you so much. Just having you in my arms again is a dream come true. Anything else is just a obstacle we will overcome.” I smile, “I love you too Austin. You’re my soul mate.”

Curling up I smile as I drift off to sleep happy for the first time in over a month.

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum