Doctor's appointment.

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Waking up the next morning I feel sick. I don’t have to get sick or anything, I just feel sick to my stomach at the thought that I might be pregnant.  I can’t be pregnant.  Wait, someone cannot know they are pregnant after two weeks. It has to be something else.  I make an appointment with my doctor just in case it is something bad.  I am getting ready for school when I hear my phone go off. Sitting on my bed I see Austin texted me.

Hey baby: ) Morning.

Smiling I write back.  “Hey, Morning.”

“How are you?”

I frown and take a minute to figure out what to say. I am feeling good. I miss you though.

“I miss you too. I am glad you feel better.”

I feel bad about not telling the truth so I write something along the truth. “I made a doctor’s appointment for lunch just because I still don’t feel 100 percent.”

“That is great. I wish I could be there with you. Let me know how everything goes.”

Smiling I feel better. “I wish you could too. I will.”

“I have a weird question to ask. “

“Ok. “This is getting weird.

“Did you uh get your uh friend this month?”

Oh great. He found out. Stupid me, what am I going to say? “Yeah I am pretty sure I did. Why?”

“No reason. I just didn’t recall being called this month.”

“Hmm, weird. I got to go. Love you.”

“I love you too baby. Talk to you at lunch. “

Wow, that was close. I do not want to talk about this at lunch but I have too, Maybe after school. Glancing at the time I grab my stuff and head to school. Everything will be okay, go inside and act like everything is normal.

Austin’s Pov.

Ally did not write back so I decided to nap until lunch. I hope everything is okay. I mean she mentioned she had her friend.
 You idiot. She never said she did. She said she is sure she did.
I hate when you argue with me.”
Listen to yourself. I am you, you are being naïve. You know the truth. That is all I have to say.

My conscious left me and I was glad. She would tell me if anything was wrong. Wouldn’t she? This is so weird. I need a nap.

Ally’s Pov.

School was going fine. Nobody knew anything was wrong.  It was lunch time and I threw everything in my locker and grabbed my keys. I had a feeling I would not be returning to school. As I was leaving I heard my name being called. “Ally.” I stopped and turned around to see Alex running up to me.

“Hey, where are you going?” Smiling at me the way he smiles, I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Oh, I have a doctor appointment.” He looks worried for a second but it quickly diminishes.

“Do you need or want someone to come with you?” I smile at the question.

“That is sweet. It really is. But I will be fine. Thanks anyway.”

Smiling he gives me a hug, “Okay, if you need anything let me know. Be safe.” He turns and walks back into school.

Sighing I drive to the doctors.

When I get back to the room they do some test and I am left alone to think. What will I do if I am pregnant? What about Austin? I have to tell him, don’t I? What about his career? I can’t ruin that. Ugh, I just hope I am not.

I hear a knock on the door and a woman walks in. “Hello, Miss Dawson. I am Doctor Harper. “

“Ally, please.”

Smiling she shakes my hand and sits across from me. “Okay, Ally.  I see why you came here and I have some questions.”

I nod and she starts the questions. “Have you had intercourse lately?” I blush embarrassed and nod, “A little over two weeks ago.” She writes it down while nodding. “Have you been feeling sick?” Looking down I nod again. “Yeah.”

“Okay, Ally. I think I know what is wrong with you. But let me go check your tests. Do you have questions before I leave?” I think it over and nod, “I can’t be pregnant right. I mean it has only been two weeks. There is no way I would feel the symptoms, right?” She takes it all in and looks back smiling, “Ally, everyone’s body is different. Some people show no symptoms and some can start the next week. It all depends on the person.” I nod, “I will be right back.” She is gone and once again I am left with what I will do if this is really happening.

I hear another knock and the doctor appears again. “I found out what is wrong.” I am waiting as she sits down and places her hands on the desk smiling. “Congratulations, you are pregnant.” As soon as I hear the words I start crying. I put my head in my hands. No, this cannot be happening. This is not real. What am I going to do? I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Honey, it will be okay. I promise.”  “How? I just turned 17 and I am pregnant.” She looks back at me and sits next to me, “It is okay. I promise. I was 16 when I first got pregnant and everything worked out. I was scared and I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid to hurt my boyfriend.” I look up and she smiles, “What happened?” She smiles back, “I waited to tell him and when he found out he was upset I waited so long. When the baby came he was so happy. We got married. I went back to school and look I am a doctor and he is a lawyer. The pregnancy did not ruin our lives, it made them better. I wish I knew that at first, so we could have gone through everything together. It will all work out, I promise.”  I honestly feel better, I hug her and she laughs. “Thank you.” She pulls back, “Let’s check on the baby. Shall we?” I smile, “We shall.”

She puts gel on my belly and I turn to the screen and I see a blob. Pointing to the blob, “That is your baby.” I start to tear up, this is really happening. “You want pictures?” I nod and she leaves me alone for a minute. I’m pregnant and I just saw my baby.  I grab the picture and leave.

Sitting in my car I just stare at the picture. I already love this blob. What am I going to do about Austin?

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now