Truly Happy.

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I wake up the next day and see Ally is still asleep on my chest. I see her hand on her belly and her ring is sparkling like crazy from the sun coming from the balcony window. I smile big. I am looking at her when I see something and smirk. She is going to get so mad. I smile and get up to shower. After showering and throwing on a shirt and boxers I walk over to see her still asleep. I smile and kiss her on the lips she start to move and then kisses back. We pull apart and she smiles, “Morning, My beautiful fiancée” She blushes and smiles, “Morning.”  She smiles and goes to shower while I get some pants and put them on.  She screams and I run into the bathroom. “Are you okay?” She looks at her neck in the mirror and looks mad, “Austin Monica Moon, You gave me a hickie!” I smirk and smile, “Sorry, didn’t mean to but it happened.” She looks down and back at me, “ugh, nothing I can do about it.” I laugh and go downstairs to make pancakes.  

I hear Ally come down and she smiles while sitting at the table. “Austin, hurry up. We have to go to school. “I smile and we start to eat the pancakes.  We grab our stuff and drive to school. Walking into school people start to mumble and I know Ally is getting nervous. We stop at her locker and she throws her stuff in her locker. “Only a little bit longer and I can be done with this.” I smile and nod. Alex comes running down the hallway and wraps Ally in his arms and smiles. “Ally, Guess what?” She smiles, “What?” “We are having a dance after prom.” I laugh, “Okay, so?” he laugh, “It isn’t for school. So we can dance and do whatever.” Ally smiles, “Alex, that sounds great but I don’t care.” He laughs, “I know, I just thought I should distract you for this.” He points to something and I see Trish and Dez walk in with two big bouquets of baby stuff. I smile big and Ally start to tear up. Alex comes back and has one too. “Guys, this is awesome but why?” They all laugh and Alex answers, “Because we love this baby and you need everything you can get.” After that we leave and go to class.

At lunch I can Ally is not feeling well. “Ally, are you okay?” she smiles, “Yes, I am great.” We all start to eat when I hear Alex, “Ally.” I look over and see he is holding Ally in his arms. I get mad, she is mine. He sees her ring and looks down. Trish sees it and squeals, “Ally, you are engaged and didn’t tell me.” She nods, “Sorry.” I look back at Ally, why is she in his arms? I look back at my food until I hear Alex again, “Ally, let’s go. You are going to the doctors.” I get up but he tells me to sit, “I know where her other doctor is, you don’t.” I get up again, “She is my fiancée and that is my baby, I will take her.” He is getting mad, “Austin, sit down. I will take her. She is going to faint. She has done this before. I will take her to the doctor I took her to before. His name is Dr. Grant. I will call. I promise.” I nod and sit down because I don’t know anything about Dr. Grant or her fainting. He picks her up and carry’s her out. I feel upset, sad, and worried.

It has been an hour and I went home. I am sitting on the couch worried and wondering why he hasn’t called. I hear my phone go off and I grab it quick, “How is she? Is the baby okay? Where are you?” I hear a laugh, “Austin, calm down. She is fine we are coming to your house now.” I relax and breath, “Okay, see you soon.” I was so worried. I am glad she is okay. What happened though? I hear the door open and I run and wrap Ally in my arms and breathe her scent in. Ally laughs, “Austin, please let me go. I can’t breathe.” I laugh and pull away and look her over. She looks fine and is blushing slightly. “Ally, I was so worried what happened?” She looks down and I see Alex walk in, “She didn’t have enough fluids in her and she was going to faint. This has happened before like I said. I wanted to explain it more at school but I didn’t know how and still have time to get her to her doctor before she fainted.” I look at him and smile, “Thank you so much Alex. I wouldn’t have known any of this. Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone and today.” He nods and says bye. I look at Ally and she looks down, “I am sorry, I thought I was drinking enough but I guess I didn’t today. I am sorry.” I pull her in, “It’s okay baby. I am just so happy you are okay.”

It has been a week since Ally had to go to the hospital and everything is back to be being normal. We are lying in bed watching television when all of a sudden I hear Ally say something. “What was that Ally?” She laughs, “Melody. What about Melody for our baby’s name?” I think it over and look at her, “This is cool. We both like music and she would be the music baby and Melody would fit that. I like it but I don’t know if I love it.” She looks at me and smiles, “It was a suggestion, I don’t know if I like it that much either.” Laughing we snuggle up and go back to watching TV, after a couple minutes Ally is sound asleep.

I laugh and look down at her and smile. She really is my life. I love her and that baby so much. I am so happy she agreed to marry me. One day she is going to be Mrs. Ally Moon. I love the sound of that. I lay my hand on her belly over her hand and play with her ring. Coming back a month ago I thought everything would go back to being normal. How wrong was I? However, I would not change this for anything. My life may not be how it was when I left but it is better. I love how everything turned out. I am happily engaged, living with my fiancée in our own house, and going to be a daddy. How could life be any better? I fall asleep truly happy with my life.

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