Everything is fine.

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I look at the phone and just stare. What’s wrong with my baby? Is she okay? I grab my jacket and keys and run out the door. Starting the car I drive off to the hospital. When I get there I park and run into the hospital on auto. I see Austin pacing and I run up to him. He sees me and looks sad, guilty, and sorry. “What…What’s wrong?” he comes and hugs me, “I don’t know. I don’t know.” I feel wetness on my shoulder and I look up to confirm my suspicions. “Austin, it will be okay I promise.” He pulls back and shakes his head, “Yeah your right. She will be fine.” He starts to pace again and I sit in a chair. I see my phone and remember Jessie. Opening up my messages I send a quick text,
Hey, I am so sorry but Aubrey was with her dad and something happened. I am at the hospital. Can’t make it to pizza, Can I make it a rain check?

I put my phone back into my pocket and stare at Austin. He is a wreck. He is pacing and chewing at his nails and his hair is all messed up from him running his hands through it. I need to fix this. Grabbing on his arm as he comes close to me I stand and face him. “Austin, calm down. Everything will be okay.” He sighs and everything about him just drops. “Ally, I am supposed to protect her. I have her a couple hours and look where we are.” I laugh a small laugh, “Austin, if I didn’t have your mom I would have been here a lot.” He just stares at me. I drag him to the chairs and as I go to sit I feel something vibrate but I ignore it. “I panicked and was going to bring Aubrey here a lot but your mom helped me. This is probably one of those times.” He nods and looks back towards a door. “I just want to know what happened. We were eating and having fun. I was watching her and then next thing I know she is coughing and wheezing and then she couldn’t breathe. “He puts his head in his hands, “I am a horrible dad.” I pull his face up so he stares at me, “Austin no you are not. You had one bad day. You are a great dad. Kids are made to deal with new parents.” He laughs and pulls me in for a hug, “Thank you for coming.” Laughing again I pull back, “well she is my daughter but you’re welcome.” We share a laugh and then we hear, “Aubrey Moon?” I stand up and Austin follows.

This young doctor is staring at me and clears his throat, “Um are you here for Aubrey Moon?” I nod, “Yes I am her mom and he” I point to a nervous Austin again, “Is the dad.” He nods and looks at his papers in his hand then he looks up and smiles. “Everything is okay. She is perfectly fine. She just had an allergic reaction to soy. There was some soy in her food and she was allergic to it.” I just sigh, “Will she need to stay away from it or what?” He laughs, “She should grow out of it in a couple years but yes keep her away from soy products for awhile.” I laugh, “No problem we don’t eat anything soy and we will just check her food more often.” He nods, “You can see her now.” I smile and grab Austin pulling him with me into the room the doctor points to.

Walking in I see and nurse sitting on the bed with Aubrey and she is making funny faces at her. Aubrey sees me and smiles, “Momma.” I laugh and pull her in for a hug. “Hey baby girl. Are you having fun with daddy?” She nods; I laugh more and turn to the nurse, “Thank you.” Smiling she goes to leave, “Oh she can leave anytime.” I nod as she walks out. I turn to Austin who is standing at the door looking at the ground. “How about we go see Daddy?” she smiles and nods. We walk closer and she says, “Dadda okay.” I laugh and Austin looks up with a smile, “You learned a new word. But no Dadda not okay. Dadda sad that he hurt his baby.” She smiles and looks at me then Austin, “Okay.” She is pointing to herself and I start to cry a little. My baby is so smart. Austin laughs and she reaches out to him so he takes her from me and she gives him a kiss. “So, How about we get out of here, and you can go back with Daddy like you wanted.” She nods and Austin looks scared. “What if I mess up again?” I laugh as we walk out of her room, “Austin you didn’t mess up because we didn’t know. She will be fine.” He smiles and pulls me in for a hug, “Yeah, thanks again Ally.” I laugh and hug his side as we walk, “Anytime of baby daddy of mine.” We burst out laughing as we near the waiting room and I see a familiar face walking around.

Austin’s Pov…

I am so happy Ally showed up. We are almost to the waiting room. I never would have made it without her. She is my rock. I see Ally stare at someone and I follow her gaze. I see that new kid and I wonder what he is doing here. “Jessie?” I turn towards Ally and look back up and see this Jessie guy coming towards my family. “Hi, um I got your text and I wanted to check on everything. So I came here. I then figured if everything was okay we could still get pizza but that looks like a bad idea now.” He looks embarrassed. I smile and little while Ally pulls from my grip on her. “Everything is fine, she has an allergy to soy.” He nods, “That’s good.” He then looks at me, “I’m guessing you’re the dad.” I nod, “Yep.” He looks at us then back at me, “Your Austin Moon right?” I nod again, “Yeah I am.” He puts his hand out so I shake it, “I am Jessie, it all makes since now from school earlier.” I laugh, “Yeah, I am the dad to this amazing little girl and Ally is the mom.” I nuzzle Aubrey’s face and she giggles. Ally walks over and I bend Aubrey a little so she can reach her. She kisses her cheek and smiles, “Have fun with daddy baby girl. Mommy will pick you up tomorrow. I love you.” I smile at her and walk outside and put Aubrey in her car seat. I look back towards the door and she still hasn’t come out.

Driving back home I am freaking out. Ally and another guy, this is not what I wanted. Breathe Austin, Ally is not dating anyone. I smile a little; I can still get my family back together.

Ally’s Pov…

I watch Austin and my baby leave. Turning to Jessie I smile, “You really came to the hospital to check on us.” He rubs the back of his neck, “Well I got your text and I wanted to make sure you were okay. On my way here I turned around to hear home because I figured it was creepy but I figured you would need someone.” I smile and hug him, “Thank you.” He smiles when I pull back, “No problem, so about food, I am starving.” I laugh and head out the door. Getting in my car I smile and hand him the directions to the pizza place. “Meet ya there.” He smiles and heads to his car. It is a little weird he came all this way to check on Aubrey who he doesn’t even know. And the way he looked at Me, Austin and Aubrey. He better not mess with my family. I am going crazy, Yeah it was weird he drove 20 minutes to the hospital for someone he doesn’t know but it was sweet. Wasn’t it?

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