Love comes Around...

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Today I move into the new house. I am nervous and scared. The movers will be here at one. Alex said he will come over and help me with the kids while Austin takes the movers with him.

Sighing I walk downstairs in a black juicy sweat outfit. I see Alex already here and I smile, “A little too dressed for helping with kids.” Turning he smiles. “Nah, You have amazing kids.” Smiling I walk over to the couch and sit down next to him.

I look down and see a Starbucks frappe and I smile, “Is that mine?” He smiles and nods, “Of course.” I grab the drink with a huge smile on my face. I take the first drink and feel the caffeine take over me. Smiling I lean over kissing Alex on the cheek, “Thank you so much for this. It means a lot. I really needed this.”

Austin comes in smiling, “Movers will be here soon. Got everything you need?” I nod and look at the bags in the corner. I have a two bags for the kids; one for each of them. I also have a small bag for myself. He looks over smiling, “When they get here we will grab the boxes and take them out. We will then load the televisions and everything in your car. Then we will head over.” I smile and nod, “Sounds good.” I look out the window and see the moving truck. “They are here.” Looking out the window he claps his hands smiling, “Okay, lets get started.”

I watch as Austin walks outside and then a few minutes later two guys come in behind him grabbing boxes and Walking out to load them. After an hour everything is on the truck. Smiling he comes in. “I am ready to go baby.” Coming over he kisses me. “ I will see you at the new house.” I nod and watch him leave.

Turning towards Alex I smile. “How about we wait a little bit then head over?” He nods and leans back against the couch, “What do you want to do?” I shrug, “I don’t know.” He leans over smiling, “Want to go hang out by the pool?” I smile and nod, “Grab the monitors.” He walks away and comes back a few seconds later with a monitor in each hand smiling. “Let’s go.” Smiling I grab his hand and we walk outside to the pool and place our feet in it. Relaxing and just enjoying being outside.

Hours later I am in the car headed to the new house. The kids are asleep in their car seats. Sighing I look at the road and keep driving.

I turn onto the road and look for the house. I see the cute little house and smile as I pull up into the driveway next to Austin’s car. I see Austin come running out with a huge smile on his face. Getting out I smile. “Everything is set up, we just have to unpack.” I nod and walk around to the passenger side and open the door getting Aiden out. He comes over smiling, leaning in he kisses Aiden’s head then me. “Hey little guy, you are at your new house.” Walking around to the other side with Austin following I open the car door and reach in getting Aubrey out. She wraps her legs around me and her arms around my neck. With Aiden in my arms and Aubrey on my side I walk into the new house to see everything set up and the boxes in the rooms they go.

Walking over to tv I turn it on and see we have cable already. “That was fast.” Smiling he nods. My back starts to hurt so I walk up to Aubrey’s room that I painted pink a few days ago and  place her down in her bed. Stretching a little I walk to Aiden’s room that is painted blue and lay him in his bed. Putting my hands above my head I stretch and then I bend backwards some and hear my back pop making my back feel better almost instantly.

Walking around Aiden’s room I start unpacking his stuff and putting it where it goes. I walk into Aubrey’s room and do the same. Turning on the new baby monitors, I make sure they are working. When both of their rooms look nice and ready to go I grab the boxes and place them in the hallway. Making sure I have the baby monitors I walk into my room and unpack my stuff placing it where I want it to go. Taking the boxes when I am done, I put them in the hallway with the rest.

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundWhere stories live. Discover now