Might Not be So Bad.

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Alex turns to me and smiles, “I would love to but I think you need some time and I don’t feel right with everything that just happened.” I look at him shocked. He has been trying to get with me since we met and now he doesn’t want to. “Are you serious?” He looks at me shocked, “Ally, yes. There was no fighting or yelling and he just… he just gave up. Ally, I believe you need time before you jump into anything.” I know I am getting mad, “Alex, are you freaking kidding me. Yes, I want time. No actually I want this to go back in time but I cant. Austin told me to figure these feeling out and I plan to do that. I want it done as quick as I can. If I like you fine then we will go from there but if this is just a crush then fine I can get this over with.” Alex looks at me shocked.

Coming over to me he grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes, “ Ally, I really think time is the best thing right now.” I laugh mad at this, “Alex, oh my god. Austin said to figure this out and I plan to.” He looks down then back up at me and nods, “Okay, fine. We will figure this all out.” I smile and hug him, “Thank you so much.” He nods and goes to go home. “Alex, wait.”

Turning at the door he smiles at me, “Yeah?” I walk over and smile, “Stay and watch a movie with me?” He looks around then shakes his head, “How about we go get pizza?” I laugh and nod, “Sounds good let me get my jacket.” He nods and goes to sit on the couch.

I walk upstairs and see that I am still in my bathing suit and shorts. I laugh and walk into my closet. I look around and grab a crop top that only shows my stomach if I raise my arms. I then grab a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I find my converse and put those on and grab my white jean jacket to put on too. Taking my hair down I see it is a mess and decide to rock the messy look. I put some moose in my hands and work it through then decide I look better than a bathing suit and walk back downstairs to find Alex asleep on the couch. I laugh and walk over and touch his arm.

Snoring lightly he groans and moves a little bit on the couch. I laugh again and grab a blanket off the back of the couch and put it on him. I take his shoes off and lay them by the couch. I lock the doors and head upstairs after turning the lights off. I walk to my room and laugh again thinking about what happened. Maybe Austin does have a point though, figuring out these feelings for Alex will be a big step in mine and Austin’s relationship. I walk back into my closet and change into a pair of stretchy shorts and a tank top. I pull my hair to the top of my head and walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Laying in bed after everything, I feel how empty it is and can’t believe this is because of me. If only I didn’t kiss Alex. I really don’t know what came over me.  I saw him and he just looked so good. Then I remembered everything he has done for me and I just leaned in. Then when our lips touched I felt like I was on cloud nine. Everything just fit. I felt loved and wanted.  Rolling over on my side I sigh and drift off to sleep thinking this thing with Alex might not be so bad.


I wake up and look around. Where am i? I sit up and rub my eyes getting a better look. It’s dark so I know it isn’t morning. I am on a couch. I stand up and go look around. As soon as I step over a toy I know I am in Ally’s house. Oh, Ally. We were suppose to go out to pizza. I see the blanket on the couch and I realize I must have fallen asleep. I get my phone out of my pocket and see it is one in the morning. I see my mom texted and told me she loved me and we would talk about not calling tomorrow. I sigh and walk upstairs.

I walk into Aubrey’s room to check on her and see that she is gone. I start to freak out when I remember that Ally’s dad took Aubrey for the night. I sit in the rocking chair and start to laugh a little. I get up and walk over to Ally’s door. I want to check and make sure she is okay. I see the door is cracked and I look in and see her asleep.

I smile at how she looks so beautiful. She is so amazing. I can’t believe how many times Austin has hurt her. I would do anything for this girl in bed sleeping. I care for her and her daughter so much it hurts some times. I will admit I was a little sad when I found out Ally was pregnant. I mean, I wanted her so bad and she was having a baby by another man, what chance did I have? Then when she let me in and I got to take her to some appointments I started to fall in love with that baby. I wished it was mine a many a night. Austin has been so stupid, He has risked everything to have fun but I have to admit seeing him tonight he has grown up so much. Ugh, why can’t things be simple.

Sighing, I walk back downstairs to the couch and sit with my head in my hands. Should I really try this with Ally? What will happen? What if we really do have feelings for each other what will happen then?  Will we be boyfriend and girlfriend? I am so confused. Sighing I lay back down and look at the ceiling.

I think about that day in the pool and I want to punch myself. I can’t believe I went about it that way. Why couldn’t I just let everything work out? I never should have let my emotions out like that, I felt like such an ass after I got home and thought about everything that I did. I mean I was basically trying to have sex with her in front of Austin who is supposed to be my friend and her boyfriend. Sighing again, I look over to a picture in front of the TV of Ally and Aubrey and I smile.

Just thinking over everything that has happened since I met Ally that day on the beach brings me pain, happiness, sadness and anger but I would never change anything for what we have had. I love our moments together. She is the most amazing person I have ever met. Closing my eyes I start to fall asleep again. Maybe this thing with Ally won’t be so bad.

I hope you like it. IF YOU EVER NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WHY I DID SOMETHING OR JUST NEED SOMETHING CLARIFIED DON’T HESITATE TO GET A HOLD OF ME. I know some parts of this is going to be hard but please hang  in there.
Hope you like it.
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Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant