Austin and Ally- Love Comes Around

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I’m Ally Dawson and I am 16 years old. I run a music store with my dad called Sonic Boom. I am sitting at the piano in the store playing when I hear two of my best friends come in arguing over sandwiches and feathers.

“Sandwiches rule. What else would you eat when you are hungry?” Trish my best girl friend says yelling at my one of my best guy friends Dez. “No feathers are awesome because they float and you can play with them.”  Dez is explaining calmly. I have had enough they are making the few costumers in the store leave, “Guys that is enough.” I walk past them and up to the practice room.

I am sitting at the piano in the practice room playing the melody in my head trying to come up with lyrics for Austin’s new song when he walks in sitting down next to me. Austin is my other best friend and I can go to him with anything. In some way I think I have stronger feelings for him then friendship but I know he will not feel the same.

I stop playing and look at him I can’t help but look at his sun blonde hair, his dreamy chocolate brown eyes and the most kissable lips ever. “Hey Austin, What’s up?” He moves closer and gives me a one armed hug that I melt into putting my head on his shoulder, “ Hey Alls, I saw Dez and Trish down stairs fighting so I came up here knowing you would be stressed.” I smile up at him and laugh, “Normally I don’t care but I’m already stressed out over this new song and they never stop fighting.”  He moves away and I feel sad but I don’t let it show.

He gets up and puts his hand out, “Let’s get some pizza I am hungry and you can take a break.” I smile and put my hand in his walking with him down the stairs and out the store. We get to the food court in the mall and he is eating his pizza while I watch him but keep looking away so I am not obvious. When I look at these kids running around and all the shoppers walking around the song comes to my mind and I get up and run to sonic boom.

Austin’s Pov.

I am eating my pizza when I see Ally looking around and then get up and run away without a word. I look around confused but get up and follow. I get to Sonic Boom and start walking upstairs when I hear the piano and stop in the doorway watching Ally sing and play. She is amazing; I just wish I could tell her how much I actually care for her. I stop daydreaming and listen to what she is singing.

Put your sneakers on, put your sneakers on

We’re goin’ dancin’ all night long

I got somewhere to be

I want  you to come with me

See I’ve put my sneakers on'

Cause I’m gonna keep dancin’ after they all go home

So are you ready? Did you eat? Do you have the energy?

Are you reloaded? Are you able to stay on your feet?

Don’t want you passing out after a couple of hours of beats

We’re gonna keep going, and going, and going, yeah, 'cause

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

It will come easily when you hear the beat, ah

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

All you gotta do is take a chance

Yeah that’s right, it’s sneaker night

So now they’re closing, close it up, shut it down, go home now

But this is far from the end, the second round, ding, it’s about to begin

Cause I got comfortable full where the weather is nice

So let’s take it outside, just needs some

Hands claps and the beatbox, and it’s all right

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

It will come easily when you hear the beat, ah

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Don’t you even worry about other plans

Yeah, that’s right it’s sneaker night!

When the sun goes down, oh we wake up

I got my sleep, ha! No need

No compliment staying awake, oh no

When the beat is like an earthquake
And we’re unstoppable, we’re uncontrollable

Just admit it, you can’t stop it, it’s addictive, yea yea yea

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Yeah that’s right, it’s sneaker night

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

It will come easily when you hear the beat, ah

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Basically what we’re gonna do is dance

Don’t you even worry about other plans

Yeah, that’s right it’s sneaker night!

Oh, put your sneakers on, oh, let’s go all night long

I start clapping without thinking and she turns around shocked. I walk in smiling and hug her, “Alls, that song was amazing. Where did you come up with that?” She looks up and smiles, you would not believe how much I love to see that smile.

“I came up with it while you were eating. I saw the people shopping and saw the kids running around and came up with sneakers and then I thought of dancing and it all came together real quick. Sorry I left in a hurry I had to write it down before I forgot.” She looks up at me biting her lower lip, oh how bad I want to kiss those lips.

I laugh and pull her tighter to me. I let her go, “Ally that was an amazing song. I can’t wait to sing it. It is okay for running off I was just worried. Any way I have to go I will see you later ally gator.”  She smiles and waves as I walk away thinking how much I have feelings for her that are not friendship.

Hi, This is my first Austin and Ally story. I hope you like it so far. Please review. Thanks for reading. will update soon. XoXo 1babyt

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