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Adeline Rae 
October 4


Numb mixed with heartbreak and a hint of sadness. Ava walked into school with a smile on her face and joined with one of her friends whom she met yesterday. It was Maisie. Both of them were equally beautiful and perfect, but how could Zach not want to spend time with her? She seems perfect for him. 

Once Zach and I started our relationship, I believed that nobody could take my place and that I was the perfect girl he was looking for. But sadly, it wasn't true. It was fairytale, now it's reality. 

"Hey" Eve walked up to me with a smile, "hi" a smile appears on my face. Her blue eyes followed to where I was looking, "I'm really sorry about the whole Ava and Zach thing. If anything, he should be with you and not her" she tells me. 

"It's whatever" my hand closed my locker then we started walking to first period. It was science which my partner was Zach, so it sort of sucks now.  The bell had rung and everyone flooded in, including Zach. A smile was on his face as he stared into my eyes, but I immediately looked away. My boyfriend sat next to and kissed my cheek but I just scoffed which was really rude of me but I couldn't care less.

"Okay class let's get started" the teacher spoke and started writing things on the board. I began to copy down the notes and soon a piece of paper was passed to me from Zach.

i know your mad at me. but please meet me at the bleachers during lunch, i really need to talk to you. 
- Zach

  Well no shit it's from you, Zach. You're sitting right next to me and I saw with my eyes you pass the note.

It was currently lunch and just like Zach said, I was at the bleachers. I sat at the very top with my backpack still on and playing around with my sweatshirt. 

"Hey" a voice cut my thoughts off, Zach.  "What do you want to talk about?" my voice came out soft, tears were already threatening to spill.


  "I know, you love her and you want to breakup. It's whatever and hopefully I can get over it. Good luck on your relationship" I speak. 

"That's not what I wanted to say. I wanted to apologize, Ava just got into my head. I'm really sorry. I love you. I love you so much. I love you so so so much. You're my everything. I'll scream it out to the world how much I love you" Zach cried. 

"Zach..." I sniffled, "just please, I don't want to loose you Adeline. You complete me" he said and sat down next to me since he was standing the entire time. 

"I LOVE ADELINE RAE BROOKS SO FUCKING MUCH!!!" he yelled. "Okay, okay, be quiet" a giggle escapes my lips as he yelled. "Please princess, I love you so much and I don't want to loose you. Your smile, your personality, your my everything. I love you" my boyfriend explained while starting to cry.

"I love you too" he smiles at my words. 

Zach kisses my deeply on the lips and I smile during the kiss. "I missed you so much and your kisses" he mumbles.  The moment was ruined once someone's voice was heard.

"Zach!" it was Ava. She made her way up to the top of the bleachers which was where we were.

"Hi Adeline!" she happily spoke, "hi" my voice was softer than hers. "Are we still going to the beach today?" Ava questions and I gave my boyfriend a questioning look.

Zach looked at me then back up Ava, then back to me and once again back up at her. 

"Go" I said.  I stood up and started walking down the bleachers. My eyes looked back up and saw Zach just staring at me yet he was smiling, probably from Ava. But it's whatever. 

Tears had fallen onto my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away before he could see. I decided to just ditch the rest of school and go back home. 

Zach Herron

  "Hey, do any of you guys know where Adeline is?" I ask my friends as they were in their usual group. "Adeline was last seen with you" Eve said now getting upset. "Yeah, we were together then Ava came and asked if we were still going to the beach then Adeline had said go and left" I explained. 

"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you. You literally blew off your girlfriend to go to the fucking beach with another fucking girl. How stupid are you? You obviously need a wake up call. Do you not understand what Adeline's going through? You're adding even more heartbreak to her situation. Gosh, your such a dumbass. You hurt my best friend and now I'm gonna hurt you. Grayson knows now too, hello, he's right there. But I'm gonna tell Caden and he gets pissed easily, especially when someone breaks his baby sisters heart. But I'm going to start hurting you now" Eve raged then started coming at me but Jonah picked her up. 

"Put me down!" she yelled.  "I can't believe you broke my sister's heart" Grayson spoke then walked away. I looked back at the rest of my friends, they all look sad, then at Eve who was already in tears. "Eve, I'm so sorry" my voice cracked, "you're saying sorry to the wrong person."  It was silent. 

"Fuck you, Zach."

Word count: 933

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