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Zach Herron
September 20

My hawaii trip with Adeline had finished on Saturday and we were both sad to leave but will definitely return another time. Today was school, sadly, but most of our friends had also came back from their individual trips. Adeline has been very excited to see her best friend, Eve. They hadn't seen each other in a week and normally they're never apart.  The time was, 8:30 am. 

Our classes had just started, Adeline and Eve were already locked into a conversation but every time that they'd smile or laugh, it showed how much they really missed each other. That's the kind of friendship that I'd like but sadly, I had a friendship where my best friend called my girlfriend a slut when she's not. 

"Hello class!" our peppy teacher spoke as she walked in with a latte in her left hand. The class had responded with many groans. "Aww, don't be so negative" she made a pout face and a couple of us chuckled. Everyone always loved Mrs. Michaels because she was young and always nice.  My eyes had diverted to Adeline whom was sat next to me. She wasn't talking to Eve anymore because she was talking to Jonah . 

"Hey princess" I smile while pecking her cheek multiple times and she giggled. "Hey handsome" she kisses my lips quickly so people don't see and everything gets awkward. 

"Hawaii was fun" she looks into my eyes with a smile still on her face, "yeah it was, I plan on going on many other trips with you" I say. "Like where?" she tilts her head to the side. "Bahamas, Tahiti, Italy, Mexico and London" I answer and her eyes went wide. 

"You're serious? They cost so much" Adeline speaks, "anything for my babygirl" my lips connect with hers. "I love you" she smiles, "I love you too" I peck her lips.

Adeline Rae

School had finished about thirty minutes ago, me and Eve decided to get some starbucks then go over to her house. We each had a lot to tell each other since we weren't able to talk during our individual trips.  I had ordered a mocha frappé and she ordered the same thing as me. Neither of us really enjoyed the taste of caramel or any part of it at all but no shame to all you caramel lovers. 

Currently, we're at her house and plopped down on her queen sized bed. I always loved her home, it wasn't big and it wasn't too small. It was a normal one story cozy house. She only has an older brother who is off at college at Stanford University. He rarely visits but her family still keeps his bedroom.

"Catch me up" Eve smiles to me.  "Zach took me on a trip to Hawaii and it was so amazing. I love spending time with him and he always makes me smile. Zach had surprised me with a boat ride and a bouquet of flowers, it was so beautiful and it felt magical. But I feel like Zach and I have gotten a lot closer" a smile appears on my face just thinking about him. 

"Awww" she gushed.

"I got to visit my family and it was so much fun. I never really realized how much I missed them. We all went into New York City and I finally got to go to Central Park. It was so gorgeous. I really wish you were there" she explains to me. 

"I'm happy that you had a fun time" I smile and she smiles as well. "How's your relationship with Jonah?" I ask, "wonderful. I love him so much. He does so much for me when he really doesn't. I love how he constantly tells me that he loves me and no other girl can replace me" she blushes. 

"You two are so cute together" I smile and just imagine them two together just how she described. "We should go on a double date!" Eve gasps and I nod my head. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'd want to go on a double date, it's just not my thing. I normally like to have my own space with the person I love and adore.  Eve didn't suspect a thing about my feelings and attitude towards it which was good. I don't want to hurt her feelings in any way. 

I had just returned home and nobody was home except for Grayson and some of his friends. It was getting late so I decided to just take a shower and go to sleep.

Word count: 767

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