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Adeline Rae
August 30

Zach was waiting for me outside of the school's entrance. This whole new boyfriend stuff is very new to me, I've never had one. My father always told me that love is just a waste of time and space in your life. But yet he is married to my mother and has three kids, so obviously he does not know what he is talking about at all.

"There's my princess" Zach's arms wrapped around my waist. We have only been dating since, August 27, and he already makes me feel like the only girl in the world.

"Hey baby" our lips met but it was only a peck. It was the first time that I called him by that name. His cheeks turned into a light shade of pink and I giggled then kissed his cheek. "Stop, your supposed to be the one blushing" Zach whined as a laugh escaped my lips and soon enough he was laughing as well.

Currently, I was in english class with all of Zach's crew including him and Eve. I could tell that Eve liked seeing me happy but she also looked like she wanted things to be the way they were before. The times when it was just me and her and nobody else.

I'm writing in my journal and from the corner of my eye, I could see Zach's attention on me. His chocolate brown eyes were attempting to get a clear view of my writings. My hand ran through my hair which caused it to fall more off to the left side of my head, blocking any view that Zach have gotten. I heard him huff soon after.

Why was he so interested in what my writings were about. They were simply just about my day, some problems, personal stuff and my feelings. It was private not public.

My journal was for my eyes only, not anybody else's. Eve hasn't even seen anything that I've written in it. She knows that I have a journal but after telling her it was my privacy, she had respected it and left it alone.

Class soon ended and now it was lunch. Zach wanted me to sit at his table with him and his friends but I denied, saying that I'd sit with him tomorrow and I'll be with Eve.

He didn't seem to mind it at all and we continued on in the lunch line. My feet walked over to where Eve was sitting by herself, after setting my tray down, her blue eyes looked up at me. A smile formed on her face.

"Hey E" I sat down across from her, "hey A" her voice was more happy. "You're not sitting with Zach?"
Eve's voice questioned, "nope, I decided to sit there tomorrow and have lunch with my best friend" I tell her and she smiled. "Eve, I could tell that in english class you were somewhat saddened. But I want you to know that no boy whatsoever could ever get between our friendship. It means so much to me and I never want to loose it" I explained. "Thanks Addy. That means a lot to me and I don't want to loose our friendship either" Eve spoke truthfully. "I can tell that Zach makes you happy and that's all I want, I want you to be happy. But if he ever hurts you then I'll hurt him" she adds in with a laugh.

A laugh leaves my lips from her last comment. My green eyes look over to Zach and see him smiling and laughing with all of his friends. His brown eyes soon meet mine and his smile widens even more. I give him a small wave and he does one back but none of his friends notice. My body turned back to my best friend across the table.

The school day had finished and Eve said that she has to go home since her parents want her to spend more time with family. But Zach insisted that I'd go home with him so I could meet his parents and his siblings.

Currently, Zach just pulled up to his house and to be honest, I'm super nervous. A hand being placed on my thigh snapped me out of my thoughts, my eyes looked up at my boyfriend.

"Stop overthinking, they are gonna love you" he assured me.

"What if they don't like me though" I sighed, "Adeline, I promise you that they are going to love you. You're beautiful and perfect" Zach's thumb stroked over my cheek causing a smile to appear on my face.

"Thanks, Zach" I pecked his lips and was about to pull away until he started pouting. I giggled then kissed him a little longer. After pulling away, there was a smile on his lips.

"You're so cute" my hands went up to his cheeks and pinched them as a joke. Zach laughed as he widened his smile causing his teeth to show a lot more.

Eventually, we had gotten out the car and inside his house. "Mom, dad, Ryan, Reese!" Zach shouted out for them from the living room and soon two girls appeared. "Guys meet my lovely girlfriend, Adeline Brooks. Addy, this is my mother, Myta, my father, Josh, my brother, Ryan,and my sister, Reese" Zach introduced us.

"Oh my gosh, my baby boy has a girlfriend!" Myta squealed coming over to me and hugging me tightly. After she pulled away, "your so gorgeous" his mother complimented.

"Thank you" I smiled to her.

"Aww, my big brother got a girlfriend" Reese ran up to me hugging me tightly.

"Don't hurt my baby" he spoke in a baby voice as he wrapped his arm around me. I smiled over to him and he kissed the top of my head.

"Sweetheart, why don't you stay over for dinner and we can get to know you more?" Myta said.

"Sure, I just have to let my mom know" I nodded my head with a smile still on my face.

Zach and me went upstairs into his bedroom. Honestly, it was really nice and neat.

The covers on his bed were messy and not made but for some reason, it pulled the whole room together.

"Sorry for my bed not being made" he apologizes, "it's okay" I assure him with a smile. The two of us sat down on his bed. "Guess what" Zach broke the silence, "what?" I asked. "You're beautiful" he moved a piece of hair out of my face and my cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.

"Finally, you're the one blushing" we both laughed from his comment. "But it's true, your naturally beautiful" he spoke calmly after.

"Thank you" my eyes looked at the hardwood floor as my cheeks turned even more pink. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him smiling at me, genuinely. I stood up and started looking around his bedroom. Mostly, I looked at the pictures. I saw a picture of him when he was younger and I knew I had to tease him about it. "Aww look at my baby, look how cute he is" I said teasing him.

Zach quickly took the picture in embarrassment and wrapped his arms around me. Zach's eyes look up to me then they flicker down to my lips. Slowly, he leans in and our lips met in a slow and passionate kiss.

Soon, we pull away and I rest my forehead on his, still looking deeply into his beautiful brown eyes as he stares into mine.

"Adeline?" he says.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I love you."

Word count: 1276

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