An Unforgettable Mother's Day

Start from the beginning

"Well thank you Cayden, you're so sweet, but um where are your brother and sisters?" Katelyn asked as she balanced the bowl of cereal on her lap.

"They left," Cayden said, "Here I made you a card as well," he handed her the card.

"Cayden what exactly do you mean your siblings left?" Chandler asked.

"They left on their bikes a while ago, it was right around the time that Scooby Doo started," Cayden said, stealing a piece of cereal from the bowl.

Katelyn glanced at the clock, "That's almost two hours ago," Katelyn looked at Chandler, "Did you know about this?" she asked.

He shook his head, "Not a clue, they didn't say anything to me."

"They said they had some important stuff to take care of," Cayden said, "Mommy do you like your card?"

"Huh...Oh yeah baby its lovely, thank you very much," Katelyn said as she forced a smile and hoped that he wouldn't notice the tears in her eyes."

He did.

"Mommy why are you crying? Did my card make you sad?" Andy asked, his little voice was filled with concern for his mother.

Before Katelyn could say anything, a black streak flew into the room.

"Happy Mother's Day Katelyn," Beaky called out as he flew around the room.

"Excuse me," Katelyn said and bolted for the washroom.

Cayden looked at his father, concern in his young deep blue eyes, "Daddy did my card make Mommy upset?" Andy asked.

Chandler shook his head and pulled his son into a side hug, "No buddy, mommy loved your card," he reassured his son.

"Then why was she crying?"

"Because your uncle Beaky made her upset," Chandler said, giving the aging bird a dirty look.

"He's an idiot isn't he dad," Cayden said.

Chandler chuckled, "Don't let your mother here you say that word...but yeah he is," Chandler added as he and Cayden watched the bird fly around the room chanting "Happy Mother's Day," over and over again.

"So you really have no idea what your brother and sisters are doing?" Chandler asked his son with a raised eyebrow.

"No clue, they say I have a big mouth," the four year old stated, he held open his mouth, "Is it big?"

"No pal," Chandler chuckled, "Your mouth is perfectly normal," he looked at the bathroom door, "I just hope your siblings didn't forget today is mother's day," he said somewhat nervously.


Katelyn hadn't really said anything after she came out of the bathroom, showered and changed.

Currently she and Cayden were out taking Dori and Titus for a walk and this gave Chandler the perfect opportunity to call his oldest son and figure out what was going on.

Andy picked up after the third ring.

"Hey Dad what's up?"

"Oh you know nothing much, I've just been trying to console your mother all morning and assure her that her three eldest children didn't forgot today was mother's day, you guy did remember didn't you?"

"Dad of course we did...we just have something special planned for mom this year, I can't say anything more because you'll spill the beans just like Cayden would've if we told him. Just bring mom down to the gazebo by the lake for four o'clock this afternoon."

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